June 15, 2015

Some Notable Township Settlers

The Most Notable Settlers:
I begin with ...
Conrad Sulzer 
grand-daddy of Lake View Township
images - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
(I would not have messed with him!)
Conrad Sulzer and his family of Winterthur, Zürich, Switzerland who are respectfully regarded as the one of the first Euro-settlers arrivals in this undeveloped area located north of Chicago in by 1837 two years before the incorporation of Chicago as a city. This German speaking Swiss-born purchased 100 acres of land at the southeast corner of Green Bay Road (Clark Street) and Jefferson Road (Lawrence Avenue). He contributed some of his land to Graceland Cemetery along Clark Street.
in 1835 when Conrad was 26 years old
(interactive map)

World News

In 1835 when Conrad Sulzer was 26 years old. This was his world at this time in history. 

Britain and Spain renewed an agreement against the slave trade. British sea captains were authorized to arrest suspected Spanish slavers and bring them before mixed commissions established at Sierra Leone and Havana, Cuba. Vessels carring specified "equipment articles" (extra mess gear, lumber, foodstuffs) were declared prima-facie to be slavers. In the southern states of the United States, abolitionists were expelled and the mailing anti-slavery literature was forbidden. Other news - Steamships appeared on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Samuel Colt of Connecticut received a patent for his revolver in Europe and then received a patent in the United States that following year.

The Sulzer's 14 room, including a seven bedrooms, brick house is still located at 4223 North Greenview AvenueThe original address was 1306 Perry Avenue. The house exists today almost in its original condition and once later owned by actress Joan Cusak and Richard Burke. Dr. Sulzer established a greenhouse nursery and provided shrubs and plants for the Graceland Cemetery.  He served as one of the administrators of the township in its early years.
An Account in 1884
by Theodore Andreas, historian 
'The [one of] oldest living settler within the present limits of the town[ship] however if not actually the earliest in point of time is Frederick Sulzer who moved with his parents to what is now Ravenswood in 1837. His father Conrad settled upon the same land although not upon the same spot which the son now occupies. Mr Sulzer died in 1873 [while] Mrs Sulzer is still living with her son who is a florist by trade. 
Album of genealogy and biography
Cook County, Illinois 1897
segment 2
He purchased his property from
in 1838
donated research by Kathy Sardina 
Honoring Him
with a Monument in 1950

In His Memory: 
photo below - Garry Albrecht
A sample of the Ravenswood-Lake View Collection 
that is located at their mezzanine level
Early Notable Settlers:
Owner of the 'Seven Mile House'
The narrative on Nicholas Kranz is a story about the beginnings of Lake View Township. “[His] Seven Mile House has been reputed as a local tavern, inn, and meeting place; however, as Lois Kransz points out, it was never operated as an official business. The Kranszes provided food, drink, and lodging to travelers passing through the area (for a small fee), as was the custom in sparsely-populated areas. Many of these guests were funeral processions from Calvary Cemetery in Evanston. With Nicholas’s reputation for being in the right place at the right time, he was an obvious participant in local politics and civic affairs, and often provided his home as a meeting place for such activities. The story that Abraham Lincoln stopped at Seven Mile House during his 1860 campaign travels is probably true, according to Lois. Gatherings were often held in small communities to introduce politicians to local citizens. Lois heard many recollections of the event from her grandfather, Peter Kransz, who had been a child at the time. However, Lois says, "Peter was known to exaggerate and his stories became embellished with time." Lois believes a Lincoln campaign rally was actually held at the house, since it was a popular meeting ground (and Nicholas was then Justice of the Peace), but will admit to no further details of the event.”
a 1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of the location of the establishment with a zoomed view below

 John W Turner
a real estate businessman
pre 1909 address of
502 Addison Street

His Family's Homestead
 photos - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
1887 Rascher's Atlas Map
zoomed from above
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map below
Wolcott Avenue not open for traffic 
north of Addison yet - a house was in the way
zoomed from above
One of the founders of 
First Methodist Church of Ravenswood
currently called the 
Elisha Este 
Although Dr. Conrad Sulzer will always be known as the father of Lake View Township, owner of a florist nursery, donator of land to Graceland Cemetery and one of the townships first assessors he was not the only one who had a major impact to the growth of the township. Landowner Elisha Este Huntley along with his partner James Rees teamed up to establish a remote resort on a bluff along the existing lakefront called Lake View House (Hotel). (James Rees partnered earlier with another resident of the township, Charles Chase, owned the Rees and Chase – real estate business in Chicago by 1852 – later to be called The Chicago Tile and Trust Company.) These personal connections allowed Chicagoans who may have intial thought this township as too far or too rural to invest & settle  thought otherwise once they traveled to the hotel that overlooked the lakefront on a bluff far from the hussle and bussle of urban living. 
Sanborn Maps of his Properties   
from Grace to Addison/Evanston Aveune 
to then existing lakefront
*he apparently owned umplotted land to Belmont Avenue*

images - Historic Map Works
Halsted to Sheffield, Montrose to Irving Park Road
artist depiction from a window of the hotel
image - Newberry Library
The hotel-resort that began as a private residence
additions & renovations were added 
due to its popularity
photos - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection

According to legend the namesake of the Newberry Library, Walter Loomis Newberry, was taken in by the locations' cool breezes along with its uncumbered views of the lake from the bluff above
zoomed image of Pine Grove subdivision
University of Chicago 1869 map 
Upon Huntley’s death in 1879 he and his partner acquired land grants that totaled 225 acres, mostly along the lakefront.
Fourth of July Opening
at the Huntley House in 1854

next paragraph

smart phone images - Garry Albrecht
After Huntley’s death his vast land holdings were mismanaged by his son-in-law and his cousin Daniel Huntley. The Chicago Fire of 1871 added to confusion of land ownership – fire destroyed countless land deeds – Huntley’s son-in-law apparently deeded off the land to various trustees (land trusts) until City of Chicago intervened with litigation that ended the confusion in the late 1890’s. During this time period a roadway along the lakefront became a reality - Sheridan Road (initially called North-Lake Shore Drive).
The area of the Lake View Hotel as of 1898 along Sheridan Road (inner LSD) 
just north of Grace Street
view south
photo - Ravenswood Lake View Community Collection
photo - Chicago Public Library 
via Explore Chicago Collection
 his 1906 death notice - Chicago Tribune
1445 Oakdale = 915 Oakdale
He owned a lot of property in Chicago as well
Album of Genealogy and Biography, Cook County, Illinois: with Portraits - 1896

Edgar Sanders was a horticulturist who opened Chicago's first permanent flower store in 1864. 
In 1857 Sanders moved to Chicago, building a fifty-foot greenhouse and organizing the Chicago Gardener's Club. He was treasurer of the Lake View Township for a period of time.
A notable Swedish pioneer of the township
a 1900 article about him below

The Spafford 
founders of ...
 Missionaries from Old Lake View
The founders of the American Colony in Jerusalem were a couple named 
Horatio and Anna Spafford who in the mid 1860's resided in the Township of Lake View. 

Horatio Spafford owned a successful law practice in the city of Chicago as well as owning several properties within the City of Chicago. Simply, there were regarded wealthy and influential in both the township and the Chicago. Horatio and Anna owned a cottage on a five acre triangular piece of property that bordered Evanston (Broadway) Avenue, Halsted Street, and Graceland Avenue (Irving Park Road). 
1887 Racsher's Atlas
X marks the spot
zoomed below
their 5 triangluar acres
They were both quite active in the abolitionist movement during the Civil War with friends like Frances E. Willard, president of the National Women's Christian Temperance Union as well as evangelical leader Dwight L. Moody, founder of the Moody Church who had many a dinner at their home after the war.
(Library of Congress)
48 pages
142 images
The Safford’s lost if not all of their real estate deeds in the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 and suffered personal family tragedies that would later prompted them to live a missionary life with his family in Jerusalem in 1881 during the time of the Ottoman Empire. The empire while ruled by a sultan allowed local areas religious autonomy hence allowing the Safford's to live and work without prosecution. Their other contribution was a hymn called 'It is Well with my Soul' - listen to their self composed melody while viewing a historical presentation of this couple with this link
1992 photo - Al Jazeera
In 1992 representatives from the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Israel met in their hotel for talks that led to the historic 1993 Oslo Peace Accord. 
The hotel was called the American Colony Hotel named after Christian utopian society known as the American Colony in 1881. Headquartered from that building, members of this American group along with Chicago Swedish Christians began to engage in philanthropic work among the people of Jerusalem regardless of their religious affiliation and without proselytizing faith thereby gaining the trust of the local Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities. The society played a critical role by operating soup kitchens, hospitals, orphanages and other charitable ventures for any religious group or individual who needed assistance. 
images - Library of Congress
After the British captured Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks in December 1917, this small communal colony became the conduit for funds for organizations such as the Syrian and Palestine Relief Fund and the Christian Herald Relief Fund in Jerusalem. Horatio died in 1888 and Annie in 1928 in their adopted Jerusalem but their society would flourish assisting anyone in need. The mission that began in the late 19th century continues today in Israel. The original building is currently a hotel in the eastern Jerusalem.
View other pictures/manuscripts of them and their organization from the Library of Congress.
The Chase Brothers:
Charles C. Chase
and their property 
one of the founders of 
In 1870, Charles C. Chase joined Chase Brothers & Co. The fourth partner was George H. Bailey, and the office was located at 48 LaSalle Street. After the fire of 1871, in which the Cook County abstract records were destroyed, it was found that Chase Brothers & Co. and two other abstract firms (Shortall & Hoard and Jones & Seller) had each lost part of their indices, but together had a complete set, with some duplicates. The three firms therefore merged, and still later consolidated with Chicago Title and Trust. Immediately after the fire, Chase Brothers & Co. established its offices at 299 W. Washington Street. Horace maintained a separate loan business with John B. Adams as well.
516 (1846) W. Belmont Avenue
below is a 1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map that highlights both brothers' residents - X's mark the spot
(Lake View Avenue once intersected with Belmont Avenue)

below 1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
In 1852, his brother Horace followed his brothers Samuel B. and Charles C. to Chicago, where he became employed by real estate dealer James H. Rees, who with Edward Rucker originated the land abstract system in Chicago. In 1855, Horace and Samuel Chase joined fortunes with James Rees to form Rees, Chase & Co. Eventually, Mr. Rees was bought out, and the firm became Chase Brothers & Co. Samuel brother Charles joined the company in 1870. After the fire of 1871, in which the Cook County abstract records were destroyed, it was found that Chase Brothers & Co. and two other abstract firms (Shortall & Hoard and Jones & Seller) had each lost part of their indices, but together had a complete set, with some duplicates. The three firms therefore merged, and still later consolidated with Chicago Title and Trust. Immediately after the fire, Chase Brothers & Company established an office at 299 W. Washington Street. Horace maintained a separate loan business. 
image - Chicago Title & Insurance Company
In 1855, Horace and Samuel Chase joined fortunes with James Rees to form Rees, Chase & Co. Eventually, Mr. Rees was bought out, and the firm became Chase Brothers & Company.
Mr. Rees join in a partnership with Elisha Huntley who owned property from Community of Pine Grove and establish the Lake View House/Hotel in 1854 in which the Township of Lake View was named in 1857 by Conrad Sulzer & friends in Andersonville.
... and his other brother
Samuel B. Chase
another abstract man
image - Chicago Title & Insurance Company 
Samuel residence was down the street on Belmont a 
'stone throw away' for the existing lakefront 
and his brother
Below 1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
the evolution 
of his corner estate in 1912
 an article about ...

its further evolution
in 1964
Charles M. Netterstrom
a businessman

Their home is still part 
of the neighborhood landscape
833 W Aldine Avenue
 1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map Lot 14 
pre 1909 address of 1535
post 1909 address of 833 Aldine Avenue
'With Italianate and Queen Anne influences, the home with its front gable, bay window, and tall corner tower is remarkably well-preserved inside. The original finishes include a grand curving walnut, pine staircase, carved marble mantels, and fine plaster work.' - text - theamericanhome via Instragram
2018 Google Map
the granddaddy of Buena Park
Once a Community within Lake View Township
illustration - 1900 Chicago Tribune
a 1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map with edits
In 1860, James Waller hired architect Joseph Lyman Silsbee, to build a house occupying a portion of Waller’s apparent 53 acres of then existing lakefront property. The existing lakefront was just immediate east of Halsted Street, at the time. The Waller house caught the attention of many, including one Eugene Field living at the corner of Clarendon and Hutchinson. Eugene Field was one of Chicago's prophetically proclaimed humorists and popular children’s poets, who made a poem titled "The Ballad of Waller Lot." 
J.B. influenced township/city politics for years particularly the northward park expansion of Lincoln Park and Sheridan Road. 
Buena Park is currently a neighborhood in the Community of Uptown but prior to 1889 was part of the Township/City of Lake View much like Andersonville and Ravenswood were at the time.
George W Snow
an investor of real estate
and civil engineer
image - Geni
'George Washington Snow invented the building construction method known as 'balloon framing'. Among the early settlers of Chicago, George W. Snow left his native New Hampshire to live for some periods in New York and Detroit, before heading for Chicago. Snow reached the mouth of the Chicago River on July 12, 1832. It had only 250 inhabitants at that point. Educated as a civil engineer, he was a lumber dealer, building contractor, financier, and real estate operator.'
a narrative by the Lake View Saga ...
Note: Mr. Snow's investment of $400,000
 would be well over 10 million in current dollars
Mayor William Boldenweck 
served as the only mayor of the 
City of Lake View 1887-89
article from American Eagle
text - 1921 Chicago Daily Tribune

Peter Reinberg [whose parents moved into what was to be Rose Hill area of old Lake View in 1848] had a very successful career as a florist. [His family owned a 'truck farm' of which he learned a craft.] He had begun by growing turnips and potatoes, before experimenting with roses and flowers in 1890. He was very successful at growing roses and carnations, and eventually owned greenhouses with 1,200,000 square feet (110,000 square meters) of glass. He was among the most famous greenhouse owners in Chicago. He was considered the "Rose King" of Chicago. His business made him a millionaire, and he was among the largest rose growers in the world. He was also considered to be the largest grower of carnations in the United States.
Peter Reinberg would serve on the board of directors of Ravenswood Bank. In 1904, Reinberg made his political debut by successfully running as the Democratic nominee for Chicago City Council in the 26th ward. In his campaign, he used the unique gimmick of providing each resident of his ward with carnations to wear. Reinberg was re-elected in 1906, and 1910. Reinberg was unseated in 1912 by Republican nominee George Pretzel. He died in 1921 while he as a Cook County Board Commissioner.
- Wikipedia
A Place to Gather 
for the 1st Settlers of the Northside
'Harms Park was a privately-owned picnic grove formerly located at the northeast corner of Western and Berteau Avenues in what is now the Community of North Central. It became a park in 1893, lasting until 1946, when the land was re-developed for private housing. Many events and festivals were held in Harms Park, most notably the Chicago Old Settlers’ Picnic, which celebrated Chicago’s oldest citizens. The year 1937 marked Chicago’s hundreth year, and the Chicago Charter Jubilee held various celebrations and events, among them this picnic, which was held annually until 1946. The Charter Jubilee was also responsible for the placement of many historical plaques in various places throughout the city.' - Forgotten Chicago

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