Showing posts with label 45. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 45. Show all posts

June 09, 2011

Hospitals: Past & Present

A Doctor of Call in
Old Lake View area
text- History of Medicine and Surgery 1922
Lake View
 Township Department 
of Health Rules
 by 1886
The township/city/district of Lake View ranged from the existing lakefront to Western Avenue, Devon (Church) to Fullerton Avenue
Board of Health 
and Sanitary Regulations
to read the complete list of regulations
#13 Hospitals and Quarantine
After Annexation of 1889
text below - Chicago Medical Society 1910
Lake View Area Hospitals
by Name: 
We Begin With...
Marine Hospital 
Sailors & Soldiers
Township/City of Lake View
the federal veterans hospital for the Chicago area
(My next post is on this particular subject)
postcard - Ebay
606 Fullerton Avenue
and then
735 W Fullerton Avenue
*for children only*
est in Lake View Township
but moved & expanded 
across the street in Chicago
image - Lincoln Park by Melaine Apel 
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
and then apparently 
expanded accross the street by 1910
1910 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
and retained its presence 
north of Fullerton Avenue in 1923
as Children's Memorial Hospital
zoomed below
a significant expansion south 
of Fullerton Avenue
by 1935
1935 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
the original building north of Fullerton Avenue
was now a residence for nurses
view zoomed map below
photo below - Lincoln Park by Melaine Apel
become .....
Children's Memorial Hospital
images - History of Medicine and Surgery 1922
to be renamed to an American appealing
and then renamed again to
est 1896
District of Lake View
Community of Lincoln Park
pre 1909 address of 1629 = 731 post 1909 address
1918 Jewish Blue Book
postcard - via Alexandra Tibble
1911 advertisement - Alexandra Tibble
Should the Child been Saved?
in 1915
Lincoln Park Hospital
its last days
Home of Incurables 
*same location but several name changes*
1619 Diversey
pre 1909 address
listing in 1890
a name change by 1891 to ...
National Temperance Hospital 
& Santiarium
and yet another name change to ...
Chicago General Hospital
741 W Diversey Parkway
and by 1950 it was called 
Pinel Sanitarium
images - History of Medicine and Surgery 1922
1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
listed as H. Institute
1891 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
name change to
National Temperance Hospital 
& Santiarium
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
and another name change to
Chicago General Hospital
The Lake View 
District of Lake View
est 1891
4420 Clarendon Avenue
 and later renamed 
Frank Cuneo Memorial Hospital
image - History of Medicine & Surgery 1922
Once located on the northwest corner area of Montrose and Clarendon avenues. A Frank Cuneo, Jr. donated the original building to Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, an organization founded by Mother Francis Xavier Cabrini, a saint in the Roman Catholic Church. By 1957 the hospital expanded east across the street on Clarendon Avenue
postcard images - Chicago History in Postcards
this renamed building would be ulimately be replaced by the 
Maryville Academy by the 1970's
The Newer Hospital 
Frank Cuneo Memorial Hospital, a 140-bed women and children’s hospital, was dedicated by Cardinal Stritch in 1957 in a ceremony attended by Mayor Richard J. Daley. The hospital was built for the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, who also built Columbus Hospital at 2520 N. Lakeview. The hospital was endowed first by Frank Cuneo and then by his son John F. Cuneo, Sr. John Cuneo.
(University of Illinois at Chicago) 1958
 Chicago - Photographic Images of Change 
(University of Illinois at Chicago) 1958
the bridge that connect the initial hospital with the then new annex
 photos below - Ebay
2009 Google Views
view northeast of Cuneo Hospital
view below northwest
of the Columbus/Maryville Academy, the former space 
of the Lake View Hospital
Lincoln Park Sanitarium
on Lake View/Deming Court
est 1890 per article
and their
Lincoln Park Sanitarium 
for Sick Babies
on Simmons Island/Fullerton Avenue 
& lakefront
est 1886 per article
and to be later become ...
District of Lake View
by 1920
Now Let's Begin with ...
Lincoln Park Sanitarium
on Lake ViewAvenue/Deming Court
1891 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
a former hotel
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
The Neighbors are Worried
in 1890
Lincoln Park Sanitarium 
for Sick Babies
on once was Simmons Island/Fullerton Avenue 
& lakefront
est 1886 per article
illustrations - Chicago & its environs 1893
postcard - Ebay
View from the once known High Bridge
part of my private collection
at that time by 
Daily News Fresh-Air Fund
1895 article
indicating the establishment in 1886
when Lake View was a township
Planned Development
in 1895
construction of a pier north of building
zoomed below
highlights Simmons Island & sanitarium
One of the most common and pervasive approaches for people with the most common pulmonary diseases at that time was the treatment of rest and fresh air
1907 article
free access
The sick baby sanitarium was located south of Fullerton Avenue on Simmons Island 
(before the land fill )
photo - Ebay
of poor quality 
unknown date
in sections below
showing bridge connection the boat with the hospital
from my collection
view north from the lagoon
with Lake Shore Drive on the right
name changed to ...
District of Lake View
by 1920
images - History of Medicine and Surgery 1922
1929 aerial view - Chicago History Museum 
via Explore Chicago Collection 
1903 lakefront view - Chicago History Museum 
via Explore Chicago Collection - reversed negative image
1902 front yard view - Chicago History Museum 
via Explore Chicago Collection 
- reversed negative image
and below a 1907 inside view 
- Chicago History Museum 
via Explore Chicago Collection 
- reversed negative image
View more photos
District of Lake View
to be renamed
Columbus Hospital
The original building was constructed in 1890, one years after the City of Lake View was annexed to the City of Chicago. It was located on the southeast corner of Deming and Lake View Avenue.
1891 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
a former hotel
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
Columbus Hospital
2540 N Lake View Avenue
1901 text - Chicago Blue Book and selected names
and still the home of Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini Chapel
but now a location within residential building

text - History of Medicine and Surgery 1922
A 1909 postcard from the Chuckman Collection
The Chapel and her Apartment
postcard - Ebay
Frances Cabrini, a Catholic saint as of 1946 after her death in 1917, made her presence at this hospital
1959 photo - Art Institute of Chicago
After ten years of negotiations 
the shrine was saved 
and the new condo development was realized
page - East Lake View by Matthew Nickerson
The Shrine
images - YouTube 
photo below - Catholic New World 
the chapel/shine was once part of the hospital itself and owned by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus not the hospital
Community of Lake View
located on Briar Place 
*farm sought foods was the key for recovery*
This hospital struggled with zoning and federal tax issues from 1944 to 1955. This hospital was rezoned and later converted from an  stately mansion estate to a hospital and then to high-rise residential building. All the buildings within the concrete wall was razed by 1959 to make way for the skyscaper of a building.
(My Facebook Album)
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
Not all Nieghbors are Happy 
about a Hospital in 1947
Lost a tax break in 1955
The Replacement 
in 1962
669 W Irving Park Road
District of Lake View
Dr. Samuel Burrows founded the Burrow's Hospital and held the title of head surgeon. The hospital was established in 1927 and apparently closed by the mid 20th century. According to a 1930 Chicago Daily News article his father Thomas (retired?) was also a doctor who resided in the same hospital, former hotel, til his death in September 1930.
1950 Sanborn Fire Map - top left corner
The hospital was the former hotel 
called the Irving-Pine Hotel
1923 Sanborn Fire Map
The American Hospital
850 W Irving Park Road
District of Lake View
 Thorek Hospital 
 images - History of Medicine and Surgery 1922
Illinois Masonic Medical Center
initially called the 
Chicago Union Hospital
text - History of Medicine and Surgery 1910
postcard - Ebay
The newly formed Illinois Masonic Hospital Association, a
Masonic organization purchased Chicago Union Hospital 
from the 
photo via York W Chan built in 1901 
The 1901 hospital burned down and was ultimately 
replaced with a brick building in 1908/09
An Initial Rendering
of the Future Property in 1903
1908 postcard - my personal collection
A Billing Invoice
Soult Street would became Florence
and then become Dayton Street
photo via Christine Granat 
 ... Renamed 
 Illinois Masonic 
text - History of Medicine and Surgery 1922
1933 photo above via York W Chan
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 

Beginning modestly when a caring company of men and women, members of a Baptist Sunday School Class, resolved to build a hospital to meet the health needs of their community, the hospital emerged into a major Masonic enterprise dedicated to healing of the ills of humankind. "When it became obvious that the hospital enterprise involved more than could be managed by members of a well-intentioned Sunday School Class, most of them were Masons or members of the Eastern Star, leaders of the hospital turned to the Masonic Order. It was a fortuitous development since Masons were planning to develop a hospital to provide care for their own, and in 1921 purchased the Union Hospital and named it Illinois Masonic Hospital. - The Burning Taper

A Pictorial History 
photographed from the 1st floor 
of 836 Wellington building's hallway 
photos - Garry Albrecht 

 also shown is Morris Elementary School (demolished)

expansion photos
construction of building # 6 1959
photos - UIC via Explore Chicago
both postcards - Ebay
1960's photo below - Illinois Lodge of Research 
a care unit for HIV patients 

M.K. Czerwiec worked at Illinois Masonic Hospital's dedicated HIV/AIDS ward, known as Unit 371, from 1994-2000, her first job out of nursing school—and it definitely changed her life.

"Who I am today is profoundly informed by the time I spent in that place and the people I met there," Czerwiec said. "Around 2005, when I wanted to learn some details about Unit 371 that I didn't know, such as how it started, I felt certain that a simple Internet search would reveal great stories of this place. But there was nothing. I couldn't find any information about it. So I decided that, as part of my Master's [degree] in Medical Humanities and Bioethics at Northwestern, I would begin the process of documenting the history of Unit 371. Unit 371 became a model for AIDS units at medical centers across the U.S. This medical unit was the creation of two men - David Blatt & David Moore

University of Illinois-Chicago,City 2000 collection
the old parking lot is currently the site 
of Center for Advanced Care

 photos - Lake View Patch
 Plans for Future
 in 2013

photo - SmithGroupJJR
This institution is recognized for its care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender patients across the array of medical needs 
and emergency services.
 2013 photo - Lake View Patch
 2013 photos below  - Lake View Patch
The new Center for Advanced Care building 
on Barry Avenue
The Medical Campus 
Google Earth view 2016
A New Parking Tower in 2020
with noice protection wall from the Redline 
images via Tom Tunney's 44th ward offices 
Hospital Gets Larger by 2022
November 2021

2022 Google Earth View
July 2023
900 W Nelson Street
Google Maps
2015-2018 view
The Construction Phase
October 2023 

the south view
Sheridan Park
text - Domesitc and Foriegn Corportations 1910
Onced owned by the Chicago Railways Company according to a 1912 Chicago Examiner article. The company would take victims of accidents directly to their private hospital without consent, hence Chicago's anti-kidnaping ordinance.
and then later
District of Lake View
once associated to the Illinois Masonic Hospital
text - History of Medicine and Surgery 1922
 photo - Chicago History in Postcards
The building is still located on Belmont west of Broadway 
This training hospital was named after John Benjamin Murphy who advocated his professional life in the treatment of appendicitis to prevent complications. He performed one of the first operations in early acute appendicitis in 1889. Once located at 628 W Belmont Avenue the 'Lake View Hospital Association & Training School for Nurses' was established as early as 1910. 
New Name for Nursing Hospital in 1921 
This building was purchased by
The Union Hospital
and adopted by Illinios Masonic
as their school of nursing
booklet is part of my personal collection
photo of the Union Hospital below
photos below of the School of Nursing

1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
sold to the Sisters of Mercy 
in 1928
 Closed and Re-used 1940
 new name of the building
Provincial House
for the Sisters of Mercy
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
currently rentals
The 620 Belmont
Amita Health 
referred by the locals as simply
St. Joe's
Township of Lake View
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
Opening the doors to what was then known as Providence Hospital in a converted summer house apparently? near what is now the intersection of Clark Street and Diversey Avenue in what was then the town[ship] of Lake View in June 30, 1869. It predated by Mercy Hospital, which opened near Rush Street and the Chicago River in 1852. By the time the Daughters of Charity opened their hospital, Mercy had relocated to the South Side. The Daughters of Charity hospital — named St. Joseph when it opened its first full purpose-built building at what was Burling Street and Dickens Avenue per the Chicago Catholic
of the general area
and then the move 
to Burling Street
as St. Joseph's
text below - Illinois Medical Directory 1910 
Garfield = Dickens
by what is now near or at OZ Park
postcard - Chicago  History in Postcards
1892 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
Cornerstone Cememory 
in 1871
About the Move to Diversey Parkway
in 1959

The Original Design
 by Belli & Belli 1956-57
photo - Friends of Cuneo-Facebook
In 1995 Saint Joseph Hospital merged with Columbus Hospital & Saint Anthony Hospital in Pilsen/Little Village
postcard - Ebay
the chapel mosaic
In 2013 construction began at Saint Joseph Hospital so to build the new Presence Center for Advanced Care, an almost $150 million expansion project that took two years to complete 
zoomed from above page
  photos - Lake View Patch
photo - Tom Tunney
first rendition above - via Lake View Patch
The Building on the Corner
And across the street on the northwest corner of Diversey Parkway and Sheridan Road was once the Amalgamated Meat Cutters International & Butcher Workmen Headquarters that is presently used by the hospital as office space.
postcard - Chuckman Collection
Amalgamated Meat Cutters International & Butcher Workmen Headquarters was associated with the 
Stock Yards and meatpacking industry
photos - Photographic Images of Change 
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
1959 - from Greg Russell, Forgotten Chicago on Facebook
The building was sold to St. Joseph's in 1980

2022 Google Earth View
of the hospital campus
District of Lake View 
1931 W Wilson Avenue
a tale of successful expansion 
and epic failure
text - Illinois Medical Directory 1910
text - Illinois Medical Directory 1910
text & photo - History of Medical & Surgery in Chicago 1922

the original building
 postcard - Ebay
photo album page - Frank McGuire via Historic Chicago-Facebook
Fred Kissner was the photographer 
dated 1915 - Ebay
This hospital had a bright future and then suddenly an unforgiving end. View the articles and links below about its history that finally resulted was its' demolition.
1951 a nursing school 
1961 another expansion

1964 and another expansion
buying another 
health care facility in 1991  
The Beginning 
of the End
In 1998 this hospital failed a young man in need. 
According this article 'One friend ran inside the hospital and got two police officers to rush to Christopher’s aid. The officers and witnesses begged hospital staff to assist, but they demurred citing hospital policy that forbid them to exit the building. The officers on scene were also bound by protocol to not move injured people and wait for paramedics. At 6:23pm  a request for an ambulance went out over police radio. Ignoring protocol one of the officers finally commandeered a wheelchair and rushed Christopher into the emergency room with a barely detectable pulse.' Christophers' death received US presidential admonishment according to Jet magazine in 1998
Ravenswood Hospital CEO John Blair got an earful from employees and local residents in the weeks after he announced a proposed merger between Advocate Health Care, which owns Ravenswood, and Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Blair took great pains to point out that this wasn’t just a merger between his hospital and Illinois Masonic, but that the two were the biggest hospitals in what Advocate envisioned as a new “multisite health-delivery system for the North Side.” He explained, “The driving factor behind the deal is declining reimbursement, from federal and state government as well as HMOs and PPOs. Although we have cut our costs, we’re projected to lose $24 million over the next five years. At Illinois Masonic that figure is $30 million over the same period. That’s not a viable economic model.” - TheeErin/Flickr 2000

It's Replacement
In the late summer or early fall of 2015, if all goes according to plans, the doors will open on a new, multi-story, dual-language French and English international school near the corner of Damen and Wilson avenues in Chicago’s Ravenswood neighborhood. The school’s address will be 1929 W. Wilson Ave., which is just east of Damen, at the site of the former Ravenswood Hospital. Construction of the new school campus is set to begin next month. (The school is operating now, and has been for almost 20 years, on the lakefront near the intersection of Irving Park Rd. and Marine Dr., at 613 W. Bittersweet Place.) The name of the school, the Lycée Français de Chicago, literally translates from French as “the French High School of Chicago.” However, this school, which was started by a small group of international parents in Chicago in 1995, has much broader ambitions: the school teaches toddlers as young as 3, all the way up to teenagers of 17 or 18 ready for college. 
The Rebirth at another Location
in 2019

RAVENSWOOD — Construction crews began work last week on a senior housing project at the former Ravenswood Hospital. Evergreen Real Estate Group will turn the vacant 10-story hospital at 4501 N. Winchester Ave. into 119 supportive living apartments and 74 independent living apartments. Following the hospital’s controversial closing in 2002, two of the buildings were converted to apartments and medical offices. Another part of the campus was taken over by Lycee Francais Chicago to build a $35 million, 3.8-acre campus for its students. But the main hospital structure remained vacant and fell into disrepair. Evergreen, which specializes in affordable development, announced plans to redevelop the vacant hospital in 2016, but needed a state law changed in order to move forward with having the supportive living and independent housing exist in the same building. That law changed in 2018. As of last Friday, construction crews have been prepping the site for $81 million redevelopment, according to Evergreen’s CEO Jeff Rappin. “We’re looking at 18 months to get this project completed so it’ll be open by 2021,” Rappin said.

Post Notes:
The Pandemic Covid-19 

On Dec. 31, 2019, Chinese authorities alerted the World Health Organization of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China, with an unknown cause. What started as a mystery disease was first referred to as 2019-nCoV and then named COVID-19.

At that time, nearly 120,000 cases and 4,000 deaths from the virus had been reported across 118 countries. COVID-19 had just started to take a grip in the United States, leading to the first-known cases and deaths just weeks before the calendar flipped to March. When the WHO declared COVID-19 as a pandemic, there were many unknowns about the virus itself and its ramifications on public health, but the main focus was to limit its spread and severity of illness. Ultimately, the declaration came with a realization that the novel coronavirus would be unavoidable for months to come and possibly longer. By the end of the week, COVID-19′s impact could be felt in several aspects of life, including education, business, politics, sports and entertainment. Mask mandates and virus testing had not yet been the norm, but cities began shutting down, employers shifted to remote working and school closures piled up in efforts to limit the spread. - KY3

No Baseball 
for Awhile
a 2020 report from WGN

Wrigley Field is chipping in 

CHICAGO – Without any sports to host, venues are finding a new and important purpose during the COVID-19 pandemic. The United Center has been up and running as a logistics hub for the past few weeks, with boxes filling up a floor on which the Bulls and Blackhawks would normally compete on at this time of the year. Wrigley Field would be in the first month of hosting games for the Cubs during the 2020 season, but due to the pandemic, it sits empty as the middle of April approaches. On Tuesday, the Cubs announce that Wrigley Field along with neighboring Hotel Zachary will be used in the local COVID-19 response efforts over the coming weeks or months. The concourse of the ballpark will be used as food packing and distribution center for Lakeview Pantry. This effort will start this week and take place every Monday-Saturday from 9 AM to 4 PM for the foreseeable future. This Saturday, the pantry will begin distribution services at Wrigley Field and will continue every Tuesday and Saturday until further notice. As for Hotel Zachary, it will serve as a host for health care workers from now until April 30th for health care workers at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center. Each worker will keep the same room the entire time and be allowed to have food delivered to the hotel. - WGN

Boystown is in 
like the rest of the city
From the 
Chamber of Commerce
 News in April 16, 2020
From Shelter-in-Place
to Re-opening with Guidelines
in June 2020

“Since COVID-19 arrived in Chicago, we have been guided by the data when making decisions about necessary steps to protect people and keep from overwhelming our healthcare system,” said CDPH Commissioner Allison Arwady, M.D. “This doesn’t mean COVID is gone, it simply means transmission levels are lower than they have been during surges. I still encourage people to take precautions and definitely get vaccinated to protect yourself and your loved ones.” The vaccine requirement for restaurants, bars, gyms and other indoor public settings where food and beverages are served went into effect on January 3 in response to the alarming rise in COVID-19 cases both locally and nationally, driven in part by the Omicron variant.  More Chicagoans were hospitalized with COVID-19 during the Omicron surge than at any prior point in the pandemic and the great majority of these hospitalizations were in unvaccinated Chicagoans.  Masks will continue to be required in health care settings, on public transit, and in other congregate settings. As the City transitions its mitigation measures to remove the mask requirement, many Chicagoans will continue to wear masks in public spaces for a variety of reasons, even if they are vaccinated. For example, after 5 days of isolation or quarantine, masks will continue to be required in days 6-10 in public spaces, as they are now. - City of Chicago

My Private Collection:

Lincoln Park Sanitarium
name changed to ...
stereo-view card
 Established in 1887 in the Township of Lake View north just yards away of Fullerton Avenue 
Lake View Hospital 
District of Lake View
Community of Uptown
German American Hospital
District of Lake View
Union Hospital
 to later be called 
[Advocate] Illinois Masonic Hospital 
 at the same location of the initial building
Their Nursing School
located just west of Broadway on Belmont Avenue

this entrance is now tucked away 


St. Joseph's Hospital

their 1959 cookbook
selected pages
Columbus Hospital & Shrine
District of Lake View

Follow me to my next post called
Federal Marine Hospital

Important Note:
These posts are exclusively used for educational purposes. I do not wish to gain monetary profit from this blog nor should anyone else without permission for the original source - thanks!