Showing posts with label 20. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 20. Show all posts

January 16, 2012

Street Landscapes, Buildings, Clubs, & Kids

Take a View
of Old Lake View:
Vintage Fullerton Avenue
These negatives are along Fullerton Avenue
Fullerton Avenue was once the border between township/city of Lake View and the City of Chicago
negatives- Chicago History Museum
Lincoln Avenue north of Fullerton Avenue
at Halsted Street
photo - Chicago History Museum
Lake View Avenue & near Fullerton Avenue 
below postcard - CardCow
The Augusta Lehmann 
Lake View Avenue & Diversey
southwest corner
Constructed in the District of Lake View
J. L. Lehmann Family owned the a department store in the Loop area called the Fair - it was compatible to a Marshall Fields or Sears. When old man Lehmann died in 1900 he left one million dollars to his wife and later to his children. The Lehmann clan would own several luxurious homes in Lake View. 
1891 Rascher's Atlas Map
zoomed from above
below are Sanborn Fire Maps 
this is the view in 1894 that highlights 
the mansion property
The stone constructed building 
dates prior to 1896
 1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
The map below reads 'site of Elks Memorial'
zoomed from above
 view from Lake View Avenue above
view from their side-yard below
Carey Wintergreen Research:
Mrs Augusta Handt Lehmann Residence
Architect: Edmund R Krause
Ironwork: Chris Muth
▪️1890 | Mrs Lehmann commits her husband…Ernest Johann Lehmann…founder of The Fair Department Store…to the Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane | White Plains NY
▪️Prior to 1894 | Mansion constructed
▪️1902-05 | Mrs Lehmann purchases and remodels mansion
▪️1918 | Mrs Lehmann dies in an elevator accident in her home and is interred at Graceland Cemetery
▪️1923 | mansion demolished
From a Mansion to 
an Memorial
A Gateway to the Community of Lake View 
built by 1923
photo via David Augustus Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
This memorial to veterans is located on the southwest corner of Diversey Parkway and Lake View Avenue was once located in the District of Lake View prior to the creation of official neighbors by the City of Chicago by 1930, 
hence part of this blog post.
images above - Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago History Museum 1926 Chicago Daily News photographer
1927 photo - University of Illinois-Chicago
via Explore Chicago
(to enlarge)
caption reads on postcard:
'This magnificent building at Lake View Avenue and Diversey Parkway, north entrance to Lincoln Park was erected as a memorial for the Elks who gave their lives in the world war. It houses the National Grand Lodge offices of the B. P. O. E. The approximate cost of the structure is $3,000,000,00.'
photos by Tim Murphy
photo below - Scott Cummings 2017
Interior  Views
One of the ante-rooms
photos - Scott Cummings

 The Lake View Avenue Rowhouses
Constructed in the District of Lake View
located south of  Elk Memorial 
in the Community of Lincoln Park
image - Google Earth
text - City of Chicago
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
zoomed from above
images - City of Chicago
These townhouses were originally built for the following: 
Abram Poole, Henry C. Dangler, Ambrose C. Cramer, 
and Mrs. Arthur Ryerson in 1916-17
A Connection to the Titanic
The Blueprints
all images - Art Institute of Chicago
  Original Views
by The City of Chicago

A 2017 DNAinfo Article 
by Ted Cox
The Lake View Avenue [a street once ranged from Fullerton to Belmont] Row Houses near Diversey Parkway are being restored to their Georgian glory, potentially as a massive single-family home called Adler on the Park. The four row houses, 2700-10 N Lake View Avenue already had been designated as a Chicago landmark. Built in an attempt to bring the charm of British Georgian town houses to Chicago just at the northwest edge of Lincoln Park, they contain a lot of Chicago history as well. "It's a great, great piece of Chicago history," said Bob Berg, president of Foster Design Build, which is handling the project. David Adler designed the original row house at 2700 N. Lake View for Emily Ryerson, widowed when her husband, Arthur, went down with the Titanic in 1912. It was a terrible year for the family of the Chicago steel magnate, as they were returning from Europe immediately after the death of Arthur Jr. in an auto accident. They booked passage on the Titanic, and after it struck an iceberg, Arthur Ryerson obeyed the order of women and children first and ushered his wife and three other children to the lifeboats and stayed on board the ship. Arthur Ryerson went down with the ship along with its more than 1,500 other victims. His body was never recovered. Emily Ryerson, however, returned to her position in Chicago society, and three years later commissioned the project to build a set of row houses for herself and a few artist friends in the Georgian manner. 
David Adler was credited with two, his architecture partner Henry Dangler with another, and Ambrose Cramer with the last. According to the "AIA Guide to Chicago," Dangler had to sign Adler's drawings because he never passed the engineering test necessary to become an architect. Adler, however, gets full credit in the name for the Adler on the Park development, in which it could be reconfigured into one massive 16,000-square-foot home or kept separate as three condominiums. A ballroom and large parlor remain intact and will be retained. "Anyone who seizes this opportunity now is able to custom design the interior," Berg said. "The opportunity also exists for this home to become three very large, wide-open, luxurious condominiums — each 5,000 square feet — that retain key design features. "We're going to go down both tracks and see what the market dictates," he added. The homes are on the market through @properties, with Berg estimating the asking price at $3.5 million to $4 million if separated into three condos, or $9.5 million to $10 million if kept whole. At that, it would be comparable to the Wrigley Mansion down the street at 2466 N. Lake View, only with "more flexibility" in how it might be oriented by a buyer, he said. Berg also touted tax breaks that accompany the site's landmark status. Architect Tim Le Vaughn is set to design the renovation however it's arranged. Preliminary work on the exterior is underway, and Berg said crews hope to begin the actual renovation in two weeks, as soon as the city approves permits. Berg said Foster Design Build "takes on unique, significantly historic properties. We like to save them and help neighborhoods retain their character." 
Interior Views in 2013
 all photos via Curbed Chicago

currently called 
In 2017-18 these buildings were renovated into 
two grand residences for modern living
2017 renditions - Wendy Berg Real Estate 

renditions via DNAinfo
by Cory Steinberg 2023
Vintage Houses
photos - Art Institute of Chicago
constructed at the turn of the 20th century 
photographed in the 1980s
Homes along Arlington Place
2466 N Lakeview Avenue
constructed in the District of Lake View
1900 image - Art Institute of Chicago
 1900 image - Art Institute of Chicago

'What's known is that the Wrigley Mansion in Lincoln Park was built in 1896 by architect Richard Schmidt for beer baron Joseph Theurer, owner of the Schoenhofen Brewing CompanyHe sold it to William Wrigley Jr., the chewing-gum magnate, in 1911, and he sold to his son P.K. in 1922. P.K. Wrigley and his family moved out in 1931, but retained ownership past his death in 1977. It was sold to Nicholas Jannes in 1984 after the city had quashed an attempt to demolish it to make room for an apartment high-rise, then rushed to grant it landmark status in 1979.' - DNAinfo

1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Mapzoomed from above

1940's photo - Art Institute of Chicago
2018 Interior Views
the other grand homes
in the area
the doorway entrance
426 W Arlington Place
in 1927
lower map with labels
undeveloped land below
featured in a 1889 Chicago Daily Tribune article
A Residence
north of Berteau
along Paulina Avenue
(exact address location unknown)
My thanks to Ryan Martin for these photos
Grace Street &
Sheridan Road Views
the inner drive from Belmont to just north of Grace Street was Sheridan Road from 1894 to 1931
Sheridan Road (inner Lake Shore Drive)
& Grace Street - view south
1910 postcard - Ebay
in the mid 1890's North-Lake Shore Drive was renamed Sheridan Road from Diversey to just north of Grace Street only to renamed back to (inner) Lake Shore Drive by 1931 and before the mid 1890's 
Lake View Avenue ended at Belmont 
 sectionals of the postcard above & below
lamp post reads Grace Street 
Another view of Sheridan Road at Grace
another Lehmann house in the background at Waveland
image - Ebay
and yet another view
1912 photo - University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign
and yet another view below
1916 postcard of the boardwalk- Ebay
another view of it by Grace Street 
photo - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
When Sheridan Road curves to the West
1903 photo below - Chicago History Museum
Sheridan Road view west from the lakefront
Just north of Grace Street Sheridan Road is routed west toward Sheffield Avenue and then north again. At that intersection Sheffield was renamed Sheridan Road northward. 
1912 negative below - Chicago History Museum
Sheridan Road with the lake in the forefront making the curve west. 
1912 negative above - Chicago History Museum
lakefront to the right; Sheridan Road curves west
1913 negative below - Chicago History Museum
Sheridan Road view southeast towards the lake
1909 photos below - Rand McNally Photo Auto Guide
Sheridon Road & Sheridan Road intersection
with Sheffield Avenue to the right of the photo
the Sheridan Road & Sheridan Road intersection; arrow as indicator
with Google Map View of it
Sheridan Road routes north again
The Sudner House 
Buena & Evanston Avenues
Community of Buena Park
unknown date
photo - Chicago History Muesum
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
District of Lake View
(City of Lake View was annexed in 1889)
E.J. Lehmann Jr. 
son of the founder of the Fair Department Store
and VP of the store 
Mother was Augusta Lehmann
*father and son had the same initials*
Sheridan Road (inner LSD) / Waveland
photos via Kevin Peterson-LakeView Historical
probably initial source is Chicago History Museum
The Lehmann Family owned 
The Fair Department Store in Chicago from 1892-1984. The family mansion was located at 3662 N. Sheridan Road - in 1931 this segment of the road 
was re-named to inner Lake Shore Drive.
1914 Examiner article
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
Then it became a 
Convalescent Home 
Waveland Manor 
once along former Sheridan Road (inner LSD) on the south-side of Waveland Avenue now part of the New York apts
 postcard - Ebay
 a 1964 advertisement

a 1956 article
a 1963 article
Sheridan Road was renamed (inner) Lake Shore Drive in 1931 from Belmont Avenue to Irving Park Road
The Edith Lehmann Behr
1914-mid 1960's
daughter of EJ Lehmann & Augusta Lehmann, 
founder of the Fair Department Store on State Street 
construction phrase of 505 Stratford Place
images - Kevin Peterson via Construction News Magazine
The main entrance was on Stratford Place. The main gate entrance is still there with its original gates that now surround a parking lot for Temple Sholom. A back entrance to the property (parking lot) is on inner Lake Shore Drive
The Temple Sholom was not built yet 
2021 text & photo by Carey Wintergreen
R.W.R. Capes via Tom Morrisey, Original Chicago-Facebook
Benjamin Leslie [& Edith] Behr Residence
Now: Temple Sholom parking lot
505 W Stratford Pl corner of N Lake Shore Dr
Later known as: 3466 N Lake Shore Dr
Architect: George W Maher
Style: Italian Renaissance
▪️1914 | Behr constructs a 15-room mansion
▪️1942 | Mansion purchased by Harriet Henry Young 
▪️1950 | Mansion converted to 7 apartments
[1961 Mansion purshased by Temple Sholom]
▪️ 1967 [or shortly after] | Demolished
the view of the fence/car entrance today
along inner Lake Shore Drive - former Sheridan Road
Other Vintage Views
of Old Lake View:
Hand-colored photograph and sketch for Aldine Avenue on page 57 of an album that contains colored photographs of streets in Chicago and sketches of street name clues. The album was created by Mr. and Mrs. F. E. McCleary for a contest published in the Chicago Examiner in 1910. [Evanston Avenue is currently Broadway since 1913]
1891 Rascher's Atlas Map
zoomed from above
Wolfram & east of Mildred Avenue
postcard - Ebay
Wrightwood & Clark Street
known then as the District of Lake View
1908 postmark - Ebay
Sheridan Road view east toward the then
 existing lakefront. Horse/Carriage & automobile making the curve west from Lake Shore Drive (also once called Sheridan Road prior to 1931)
postcard - Calumet 412
 Nichols Dry Goods Store 
 Irving Park Road & Sheridan Road - Ebay
Mr. Charles C. Linthicum and family
4223 North Hermitage (previously 2420 Commercial)
Carmen Ave west of Ashland - Ebay
 1600 block of Grace Street - Ebay
3118 N Sheridan Road
1925 photo - Newberry Library
815-23 W Cornelia Avenue
825-35 Cornelia Avenue 
postcard - Ebay
pre 1909 address 1547-55 W Bradley Place 
post 1909 address 809-811 W Bradley Place
postcard - Ebay
 Looking toward the Brewster Apartments
 (formerly known as the Lincoln Palace)
 on Pine Grove from Wrightwood Avenue 
postcard  - Ebay
Pine Grove looking east from Surf Street - Ebay
Pine Grove looking north towards Irving Park Road 
postcard -Ebay
Pine Grove Avenue north of Sheridan Road
postcard - Ebay
Melrose east of Lincoln Street (Wolcott Ave) 
postcard - Calumet 412
1549 W Diversey Parkway
photo  - Lake View by Matt Nickerson
Clark Street north of Belmont Avenue
postcard - Ebay

Perry north of Irving Park Boulevard
Perry = Greenview Avenue
postcard - Ebay

Hudson & Belmont avenues
and below 
Sheffield view east from Waveland
postcards - Ebay
Sheffield Avenue north from Waveland Avenue
postcard - Ebay
Diversey near Burling Street
postcard - Ebay
These photos are from a 
called Charles R. Childs Revisited 
by Perry Casalino
Clark & Evanston Avenue (Broadway)
with some orientation
York Place (Surf) & Evanston Avenue (Broadway)
and below
Addison Street & Reta 
Curran Building Apartments on the NE corner and Sheridan Road and Sheridan Road - 1903
Corner of Reta Street and Addison Avenue - 1900?
Corners of Broadway (Evanston Road < 1913), Clark Street  (Diversey Parkway is out of frame/bottom of photo) - 1909
The 'Morris Apartments' on York Street (Surf Street) west of Evanston Road (Broadway) - northwest corner after 1909
The Hampton Apartments 
on the corner of Sheridan Road and Dakin  
From a Humble Home 
to Mansion on the Corner
543 Evanston Avenue 
pre 1909 address 
Rascher Atlas 1887 Map
X marks the spot
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
zoomed below
zoomed below
once the ...
postcard - Chuckman Collection
Joseph E Tilt
'The J.E. Tilt Shoe Company produced boots for the U.S. military, and the firm's large sales force placed thousands of pairs of Tilt-manufactured footwear in dry goods store across the Midwest and Great Lakes regions. By the late 1880s, with his income on the rise and the introduction of his higher quality "Diamond T" brand of shoes, Tilt purchased a large plot of land north of Chicago in the city of Lake View, at the southwest corner of Addison Street and Evanston Avenue - today's Broadway. The 4-acre parcel ran 234 feet along the west side of Evanston from Addison south to Brompton Avenue, 274 feet west on Addison, and 409 feet along Brompton, comprising one-half the entire city block. He built a large, 2-story house at the northeastern corner of the lot, and a green house that was almost as large as the house. At the time, Tilt, his wife, and six children, had very few neighbors.' - Chicago.Designer

This mansion located on the corner of Addison & Broadway is occupied by the Salvation Army as their training facility. The initial occupant was the Joseph E. Tilt Family from 1914 until 1920. 
photo - Choose Chicago
above images - East Lake View by Matthew Nickerson
The West Point of the Salvation Army Organation
Chicago Tribune via Chicago Public Library - 1973
A Tour in 2014
photos by Chris Redbeard and Carlos Cuevas 
The photos below are from a tour of the mansion that took place in October 2014. These photos were shared on my Facebook page called Lake View Historical

Many thanks again to Chris and Carlos, contributors to my Facebook presence called LakeView Historical!
Other Tour Photos
photo - Eric Allix Rogers via Open House Chicago
photo - Eric Allix Rogers via Open House Chicago
photo - Eric Allix Rogers via Open House Chicago
photo - John Keating Jr. via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
2016 tour photos - David S McCoy
The Stout Family Estate
a Century of Progress postcard - Ebay 
1923 Sanborn Fire Map highlights the buildings 
that was surrounded by a six foot cement fence 
according to these maps
zoomed view of the estate
another angle from another photo
zoomed view below

1936-7 IDOT photography
R.W.R.Capes via Tom Morrisey, Original Chicago-Facebook
R.W.R. Capes via Tom Morrisey, Original Chicago-Facebook
and below
the main entrance was on Briar Place
from R.W.R. Capes via Carey Wintergreen
Frank D. Stout upon his death in 1927
Death Notice
He Left a Few Bucks

 The Son Must Prove His Worth
photo below - Robert Zamora
Then It Became a Hospital
Years after the Stout family sold the property the main mansion became a hospital but had various zoning issues from 1944 to 1955 according to the articles below
Razed in 1959
Hospital Quits in 1954
a magazine featured this 
mansion page 486-88

another cement fence enclosure 
was locate a block south on Barry AVENUE
1927 photo view
zoomed map below - an eight foot fence
a before and after comparison
by Robert Zamora
a contributor to LakeView Historical/Facebook
342 W Oakdale Avenue
apparently built in 1914
The Chicagoan 1931
cut & zoomed below
The Chicagoan 1931 zoomed image
The Chicagoan 1931 zoomed image
1923 Sanborn Insurance Fire Map 
zoomed below
For Sale
The Chicagoan 1932 below
for Sale or Long-term Rental
1932 Chicagoan ad
1894 Sanbor Fire Insuramce Map
if built in 1894 the building would have had a lakefront view before Sheridan Road, Lake Shore Drive
 and the park this north
X marks the spot
zoomed view below
484 W Wellington Avenue
pre 1909 address - 1900 Wellington Avenue
image - Art Institute of Chicago 
built in 1892
1894 view from Sanborn Fire Maps
with a 2019 Google view below
The Corner of Pine Grove 
& Diversey
view west from Pine Grove

Sheridan Road & 
Irving Park Road
southeast corner

2019 Google view
448 W Barry Avenue
pre1909 address was 1912 Barry Avenue

The Last Owner
photos above - Yelp
photos below - Ebay
zoomed from above
Possible Demolition 
in 2017

and then saved by the City Council that same year
text - Redfin
all but one photos from Curbed Chicago

8 rooms to 17 apartments
The current owner/developer will be converting 
this entire house into individular apartments as of 2021
2022 photos - Marc Roger
Charles M Netterstrom House

833 W Aldine Avenue
This 3,210 square foot house sits on a 8,861 square foot lot and features 3 bathrooms. This property was built in 1886. Based on Redfin's Chicago data, the company estimated the home's value is $1,536,698 in 2018 and according to Zillow last sold for $363,000 in August 1996.
photo via Curbed Chicago

'The home has been well-maintained and preservationists say its one of the only remaining examples of early architecture in Lakeview before the neighborhood was annexed into the city. The house sits on an unusual triangular lot and has a distinct roofline as a result of the additions Netterstrom made throughout the 1890's. A corner tower, two frame bays and a south section were added to the original L-shaped footprint. The building materials and structure of the house, especially on its north and west gable walls, showcase the Italianate style. So do the home’s common brick, cast stone and windows with subtle arched window hoods and keystones. The Queen Anne elements were added later—like the pressed metal cornice and pediments on the house.' - Curbed Chicago

1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map

Edward E Gray Residence

photos - Art Institute of Chicago
 built in 1891 
pre 1909 address 1922 Belmont Avenue
post 1909 address 438 W Belmont Avenue 
  1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below

About the Owner in 1895
It's 1947 proposed replacement 
3 photos - Art Institute of Chicago
G.W. Maher - architect
built in 1893

2015 photos - David D Nims  details still remain   
photo - Ravenswood-Lake View 
Community Collection

Exterior view of Crowder residence at 4732 N Paulina. The house is on stilts and may have been moved to 4732 N Paulina. Richard L. Crowder came to the United States from England. In 1873 he became the first postmaster in Lake View. He was a printer and engraver. He died in 1928.

The Mary Wilke Residence
District of Lake View
1938 W Wrightwood Avenue
 pre 1909 address
418 W Wrightwood
post 1909 address
photo - Art Institute of Chicago
Built when Lake View was a city and the border 

with Chicago was Fullerton Avenue
zoomed view below
a 1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map that indicates the location of the residence but by 1918 the residence was gone replaced by an apartment hotel called The Shore Crest 
per this 1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map below
zoomed below
 The Shore Crest Apartments from above map
L.R. Williams Residence
District of Lake View
1901 Wrightwood
 pre 1909 address
post 1909 address of 
455 W Wrightwood Avenue
photo - Art Institute of Chicago
1891 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
of the area
zoomed view of the house to the right
Marshfield Avenue
north of Cornelia
postcard - Ebay
of 1918
 on Lincoln Avenue toward Nelson Avenue 
& the old Ravenswood L - view south 
and below
On Lincoln Avenue near Nelson Avenue - view north
with Google view
And about Snow
in 1967
on Commonwealth Avenue
photo- Art Institute of Chicago
4223 North Hermitage Avenue
(previously 2420 Commercial)
photo - Ravenswood Lake View Community Collection 
via Explore Chicago
Evanston Avenue Livery
Boarding Stables
apparently for sale
213 Evanston Avenue
post 1909 address of
3134 Broadway
photo - Chicago History Museum
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map

zoomed from above
Addison & Janssen
 date unknown
Ravenswood - Lake View Community Collection
Sheffield looking 
north of Waveland Avenue 
1907 postcard - Calumet 412
Hermitage and 
unknown date 
with the Abbott residence to the right - Ebay
within the then District of Lake View
1948 W Barry Avenue - pre 1909 address
408 W Barry Avenue - post 1909 address
1630 George Street 
(Briar Place)
1910 - Chuckman Collection
Oak Grove Avenue
(Patterson Avenue)
 west of Clark Street
 postcard - Ebay
 1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of the street 
408 W Barry Avenue
pre 1909 address was 1948 Barry Avenue 
built in 1891
District of Lake View
image  - Art Institute of Chicago
pre 1909 address 2541-45
built 1900-03
District of Lake View
image  - Art Institute of Chicago
of Reverend Braithwaite 
with an infant 
900 block of W School Street
Aldine Street was once part of School Street east of Clark
End of the line of the old township/city and district of
Lake View was at Devon Avenue at Broadway - 1906Lincoln Avenue west of Seminary - Calumet 412
The Lake View 
3018 N Clark Streetpostcard - part of my collection
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
built in 1909 per map
zoomed view below
from an alley to driveway to a parking lot
that once connected Clark with Halsted Street
Hanson's 'Wet' Wash Laundry
3505-19 Southport Avenue
postcard - Ebay
Belmont Avenue west of Clark Street in 1911 
photo - Calumet 412
Pine Grove Avenue north from Grace Street
postcard via G. Schmalgermeier 
Graceland Boulevard (Irving Park Road) 
east of Pine Grove - 1911 
postcard - Calumet 412
Herndon (Lakewood) south of Grace in 1908 
postcard - Calumet 412
 photo - Calumet 412
Roscoe Street east of the Clark street and the L tracks 
 1909 photo with a 2016 Google view 
were just yards away west and of 2021 any memory of this station gone with the construction 
of the Belmont Overpass
photo - Calumet 412
Montrose Avenue looking west toward Ravenswood Avenue 
in 1905 two years before the 
old Northwestern Elevated Railroad was constructed
 postcard via Southport Corridor News & Events
postcard - Ebay
4100 block of N Paulina Avenue in 1888
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
 Paulina near Berteau in 1888
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
Alice Perry seated in a horse-drawn buggy
4151 N Paulina - not dated
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
pre 1909 address of 2167 Paulina
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection

photo - Calumet 412
Paulina between Wilson and Leland in 1900 
within the District of Lake View
Rokerby Street (Fremont) & north of Waveland in 1914
postcard - Chuckman Collection
Newport Avenue east of Herndon (Lakewood) in 1905
postcard - Chuckman Collection
Hermitage north of Grace in 1909

Diversey Boulevard west of Seminary Avenue 
 pre 1909 with a current Google view 
postcard - Ebay
I was able to sorta date this postcard by looking at the backside of the postcard that has the publishers address of ‘1049 Lincoln’ which is a pre 1909 address.
photo via Southport Corridor News & Events
Street Scenes 
via the Chuckman Collection
his postcards 
 Barry Avenue 
west of Pine Grove
Lincoln Avenue 
west of Seminary Avenue
 Aldine Avenue 
west of Sheridan Road (inner LSD)  
Rokeby (Fremont) 
north of Waveland 
south of Belmont
 900 block of 
Aldine Avenue
southeast corner of 
Montrose & Hermitage
southwest corner 
of Pine Grove & Waveland
northwest corner of 
Pine Grove & Cornelia
The northwest corner of
 Clark Street & Barry Avenue 
Briar Place 
west of Evanston Avenue (Broadway)
 pre 1913 postcard -Ebay 
with a current Google view 
This postcard was published prior to the street name change to Broadway in 1913. Without the reverse side of the postcard 
for the postmark I have no better date.
southeast corner of Irving Park Road/Sheridan Road
image - Carey Wintergreen via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
Intersection of Belmont and 
Clark Street

 view northeastward direction - unknown date
photo - Magnus Jonason via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
Sheffield Avenue 
north of Waveland 
photo - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
Belmont Avenue 
east of Seminary
1908 photo - via Ashaq Hani from
 Northwest side of Chicago on Facebook
Montrose & Lincoln Avenues??
 photo - Calumet412
within the District of Lake View 1908
small print read 'Lincoln'
with possible 2019 Google view below
Newport Avenue 
near Lincoln
toward the elevated in 1915
with a 2019 Google view below
south of Belmont avenues
postcard - Ebay
south of Belmont avenues
postcard - Ebay
west of Sheffield
Chateau Apartments
819 Sheridan Road
Sheridan Road
west of Broadway
1907 postcard - Library of Congress
1824 George Avenue
pre 1909 address
538 West Briar Place
post 1909 address
George Ave was east of Evanston Avenue (Broadway)
Briar Place extended to the lakefront by 1923
1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
general view of the area
X marks the spot
a zoomed view
1909 address change
The Turner (farm) Residence
His home above
zoomed from above
One of the founders of 
First Methodist Church of Ravenswood
currently called the 

 located at 1946 Belmont 
a pre 1909 address
in Lake View Township and built in 1860-ish
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
a general area view
a zoomed view
if the house still existed in 1909 the address would have been 516
with a pre 1909 address change of
1400 Halsted
Halsted Street seemed to be a mix 
of commercial and residential at this time
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
a zoomed view
1909 address change
Fire Department Tower 
in 1896
The District of Lake View 
reverse side of photo
once located at 3709 North Clark Street in 1912
837 W Belmont Avenue
(not 831 as posted)
a post 1909 address 
1523 Belmont Avenue
pre 1909 address
date 1880's
I think the address # reads 837??
723 Belmont Avenue
'Christian Krauspe a well known undertaker of Chicago in which city he has resided since 1879. He was born in Germany on the 8th of April 1856. In early life he learned the cabinet maker's trade which he followed for eight years. In 1887 he established a furniture store at No. 723 Belmont avenue He was the first settler in that section of the city [of Lake View] that was then known as Grosse Park. He extended the scope of his business activities to include undertaking as well as furniture. He continued active in the business until 1896 when he disposed of his stock of furniture and has since concentrated his efforts and attention upon the undertaking business. In 1887 he erected the building which he now occupies having in the meantime erected his residence which was built in 1883. He was the pioneer undertaker and one of the first business men in his section of the city. He also conducts a branch establishment at Lincoln and Byron streets which is managed by his son Herman and his interests are now conducted under the name of the Security Funeral Company having been incorporated under that name in 1898.' 
with soda fountain!!
photo taken in 1895 - District of Lake View
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
 This drug store was a reputed to be one of the north side's first soda fountain establishments. The business was located on the northwest corner of Lincoln and Fullerton Avenues, across the street from the McCormick Seminary (De Paul University) in the newly formed  District of Lake View after the annexation of 1889.
'Chicago claimed it had the most soda fountains than anywhere else in the country in 1896. In 1848, druggist Josiah H. Reed opened the first soda fountain in Chicago, and they were popular until the 1960's. The creation of the root beer float came years after the first Chicago soda fountain, supposedly invented in 1893 by Colorado gold mine owner Frank J. Wisner, according to CNN.' 
- Eater Chicago
 Evolution of a 
Intersection Corner 
Evanston Avenue & Cornelia
 3555 N Broadway
The two images below are of Mrs. Payne who lived in the above house on corner of Evanston Avenue and Addison.
photos below - Ravenswood/Lake View Community Collection
the parents

  From a simple home
 to apartments

Map History
of the location
1887 Rascher's Atlas
zoomed view below
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed view below
Pane Property Sold 
in 1915
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed view below
several changes by 1923
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
several more changes by 1950
Jewel/Osco was rehabbed from a full service station & garage
 George H. Kettelle 
the neighbors to the Payne Family
514 Evanston Avenue 
pre 1909 address 
post 1909 address 
3535 N Broadway
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
X marks the spot 
along with her neighbor, the Paynes
Major Daniel Webster Whittle
apparently located near Broadway & Addison Street??
Major Daniel Webster Whittle was associated with the evangelistic campaigns of Dwight Lyman Moody. Whittle wrote mostly under the pseudonym 
"El Nathan" although editors of later hymnals routinely credit his actual name. Of his approximately 200 hymns, "I Know Whom I Have Believed" and "Showers of Blessing". He was deployed with Company B of the 72nd Illinois Infantry during the American Civil War receiving the rank of Major after the war.
I Know Whom I Have Believed
I know not why God's wondrous grace
To me has been made known;
Nor why—unworthy as I am—
He claimed me for His own.
But I know whom I have believed
And am persuaded that he is able
To keep that which I've committed
Unto Him against that day
The Residences on 
Wellington Avenue:
pre 1909 address of 1847 Wellington
photo - Art Institute of Chicago
pre 1909 address of 1900 Wellington 
photo - Art Institute of Chicago
From a Residence to
Girls Only Institution to
Baptist Missionary Training School
and then to Rentals
510 Wellington Avenue
pre 1909 address of 1844 Wellington
photo - Art Institute of Chicago
photo below - Chicago and the Midwest/Newberry Library
The First Owner
The Second Owner

postcards - part of my collection
The Third Owners
postcard - part of my collection
pre 1909 1826 Wellington
a brochure from Art Institute of Chicago
photo - Art Institute of Chicago
built in 1925
photo - Art Institute of Chicago
built in 1925
... and his Game Room
image - Chicagoan Magazine 1934
Hidden in 
Plain Sight
A 'Chicago Workers' Cottage 
listed as of 2020 as condos
with a roof top deck over the store front
This 'Chicago Worker Cottage' building apparently was a 'steam bath' establishment at one time according to a 1950 Sanborn Fire Map. I have always been intrigued with this current apt building with it's commercial space as its front yard. According to Redfin the structure was constructed in 1920. Travel down the alley-way with Google maps to notice the current structure of the house.
2019 Google view from the alley
photos - Trulia
probably the original fireplace??
1950 Sanborn Fire Map 
that highlights 'steam baths' on the roof
zoomed more below
once a gay bar called Club Victoria by 1985
photo - Alan Light via CWC Chicago
inside the house
photo above - Zillow
photo below - Hotpads
1249 Roscoe at 
(Herndon) Lakewood Avenue
in 1927
the southeast corner
photos - DjSerbian John via
Chicago Before You Were Born-Facebook
a 2019 Google view
The Intersecton of
Roscoe & Janseen
photos via Tony Perzentka vai Vanished Chicagloland
east of the Redline
apparently built in 1916
 postcard - Ebay
a typo on the address

'In 1913, a Chicago group composed of 75 young Swedish people, elected to open a café and club known as “Idrott” (Swedish for “sport”) on Wilton Avenue just north of Belmont Avenue. The organization existed to promote temperance and athletics as well as to provide a place for Swedish immigrants to speak and read in the native language while in a new country. The principles of the club were based on self-sufficiency, thrift and sharing. The goal of the café was to provide good food at good prices with fair ages paid to staff. The society decided to limit membership to ten new members each year. Later, the group became an important part of the Cooperative Movement although never an official affiliate of the Cooperative League. The society built a new building at the Wilton Avenue location, adding a bakery, meat department, library, game room, overnight rooms and mail delivery for members. The operation was renamed the Cooperative Temperance Café, with the old name noted on the exterior.' - Preservation Research Office

The building housed a drugstore in 1950
established in 1997 closed & then reopened in 2016
and before 2016 as Belmont Café
2016 photo below - Yelp
The Brundage Building
photos/text - 
Chicago's Classical Architecture: The Legacy of the White City 
photo below - Amber Porter T., Chicago Photography Center via Foursquare
text - Hidden History of Ravenswood and Lake View
photo below - Randy E via Foursquare in 2012
the current interiors
450k as of 2012
photos - All Chicago Lofts
 Candy Companies 
of Old Lake View:
The Curtiss Building HQ
620-624 W Diversey Parkway
northeast corner of 
Diversey Parkway and Broadway
photo - Chicago: City of Neighborhoods 
via Chicago History Society (Chicago History Museum)
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed view below
 One of their Factories
748-758 Briar Place
Curtis Candies Company had a plant on the northeast corner 
of Briar Place & Halsted Street 
 1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map with the
current Google map view
with a zoomed below
a 1950 snapshot view from Fletcher Avenue beyond Clark Street through vacant lots to Briar Place
stationary from that address
images - Ebay
Curtiss Candy Company moves in 1929
photo below - Les Wuollett/Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
Within the Curtiss Building was the ...
once located in the Curtis Building - entrance on Broadway
 photo - Saul Smaizys via Forgotten Chicago on Facebook
Read and join-in on the commentary 
on Facebook with the above link
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
The Reed 
Candy Company
1245 W Fletcher
Confectioners Journal 1923 via Sweet Home Chicago
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
on both sides of Fletcher Avenue
matchbook image - Chuckman Collection
the warehouse along the RR
 near Sheridan Road
view west
1943 view along Diversey Parkway west highlight not only the Rienzi Hotel & Curtiss Building but in the forefront the former Cambridge Hotel 
currently rental apartments
500 Block of Melrose Street
then and now
1927 & 2021
photo - Art Institute of Chicago
2021 Goggle view
The Chicago Telephone Company's
The Lake View Exchange
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection 
3522 N Sheffield Avenue
photo - Art Institute of Chicago 
with current view
photo - Ebay
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
blueprint images - Art Institute of Chicago

The first building was constructed in 1901, an annex in 1915, the second & current one in 1947. The older building housed the Graceland Exchange while the newer building 
housed the Lake View Exchange
the newest building in 1990 
Chicago Public Library via Explore Chicago Collection
Belmont & Hudson
southwest corner
2015 Google View
1910 photo - Art Institute of Chicago
part of larger full square block complex
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
The Evolution of an Estate
Robert Rodman Clark Residence
1547 N Halsted Street
pre 1909 address
southwest corner of Halsted/Barry
The house was set well back from the street and was surrounded by lawns and a garden which extended half a block west on Barry Avenue. Mr. Clark was a lake captain and a real estate dealer and police commissioner for the township of Lake View
This picture was taken in March 1911
1891 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
X marks the spot
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
the general area in 1894

1910 enlarge photo- University of Illinois-Urbana/Champaign
Robert Rodman Clark (probably him in the above photo) 
built by Mr. Clark in 1859 two years after Lake View became a township. Apparently, there were several additions added by him from time to time. 
the building's replacement
 by the mid 20th century
Chicago Gospel Tabernacle Church
1929 illustration above
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
2021 Google view
The Evolution of
S.B. Chase Residence
when Belmont Avenue ended at the shoreline 
location per 1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
his resiednce was yards away from the shore
Its construction in 1875
Mr. Chase and his brother owned a real estate company that salvaged property records from the Chicago Fire of 1871. Legend has it that Mr. Chase welcomed in refugees from the Chicago Fire of 1871 who traveled up from Lincoln Park along the existing shoreline. His home was the shoreline.
The Lockby Apartments 
were replaced by Harbor House
photos -
The Future for the Area
to be called the Belmont Junction
X marks the spot of the Clark Residence
Other Buildings/Street Scenes 
of Old Lake View:
Intersection of Halsted/Clark/Barry
1910ish postcard -  via Kelley Layman Schearf 
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
2019 Google view
Bennett Residence along Paulina Street in 
Lake View Township - built in 1874
516 West Belmont (pre-1909 address)
 Benjamin Shurtleff home, a real estate developer had a home at Oakdale and Mildred Avenues 
text - Genealogy & Biographical of Cook Count 1896
Mr. Charles C. Linthicum and Family
4223 North Hermitage (previously 2420 Commercial) between  Berteau and Cullom - 1890

Moving Day! 
Along Paulina Street, between Berteau & Belle Plaine in the neighborhood of Ravenswood Southeast, 
in the newly formed District of Lake View in 1891
This the exterior view of Wright residence at the northwest corner of Montrose and Greenview Avenues. This photo was taken 1890 one year after the annexation 
of City of Lake View to the City of Chicago.
1888 view of Paulina Street between Belle Plaine  and Berteau Avenues. Drainage ditches are being dug in the road, with plank crossovers at the intersections. The City of Chicago annexed the City of Lake one year later.
unpaved Seminary Avenue south of Belmont Avenue in 1908 
postcard - Chuckman Collection
 Wellington Avenue at Lincoln Avenue - 1900?
photo or postcard - Forgotten Chicago/Facebook
Aldine west of Sheridan Road in 1913
postcard - Chuckman Collection
Hermitage west of Grace Street in 1909
postcard - Chuckman Collection
postcard - Chuckman Collection
515-21 Belmont Avenue 
apartments 1910's
West on Stratford Place in 1913 
I have lived on this street from 1992 - 2014
My block looked much like Hawthorne Place which is an currently a historical district. There is only one original home 
left on my block - built in 1893.
Seaborg's Laundry
and then once was
 Elegant Cleaners
matchbook - Chuckman Collection
2021 Google view
The Lake View Laundry
3018 N Clark Street
 postcard - Ebay
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
zoomed even further
built in 1909
once located at Binny's Depot parking lot
the Product
Antiseptic Laundry Association
pre 1909 address of
1348 Grace Street
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
2021 Google map view
 1056 W Belmont Avenue
pre 1909 address of
1302 Belmont
1907 photo - Chicago History Museum
2019 Google view

Residence on Evanston Avenue and Cornelia Street
Evanston was renamed in 1913 to Broadway
A scene of Sheridan Road (inner Lake Shore Drive) 
auto heading south 
 view northwest 1905 - Calumet412
Source: Sulzer Regional Library of above images (3)
3504 N Halsted - Residence of James and Bridget Kane and family, northeast corner of Halsted and Cornelia Avenues
Sheffield and Waveland Avenues 1907
1908 photo - Calumet 412
Eddy Street was named after a Chicago banker named D.C. Eddy who apparently bankrolled this Lake View subdivision in 1888 
Melrose & East Ravenswood Park
1910ish - Ebay
There was once a east and 
west Ravenswood Park (Ave.)
Grace and Hermitage Avenue
1910 postcard - Chuckman Collection
Montrose & Hermitage
southeast corner in Neighborhood of Southeast Ravenswood 
District of Lake View
1908 postcard - Chuckman Collection
Pine Grove at Waveland
southwest corner
1910 photo - Chuckman Collection 
847 W Belmont Avenue
2021 Google view of the location - Mixteco
1923 photo - What was There
1925 photo - What was There
Waiting for a Public Transport 
on Belmont/Clark
photo - Calumet 412
Belmont Avenue east of Clark Street 1951 
Sheridan Road and Diversey intersection
unknown source late 1920's??
Sheridan Road/Lake View Ave. and Diversey intersection
Sheridan Road and Diversey intersection
and east of the Sheridan Road & Diversey intersection
Shanty Town Area
Once an encampment for the homeless during the Great Depression
1907 vs 2016
Saul Smaizy Photographs
of the southeast corner of 
Halsted Street from Roscoe Street 1969 
Some Forgotten Chicago-Facebook Comments:
Lyle Bright mentioned, “While there is an 'element' in the area at times, I can't imagine Lake View being in the midst of gang warfare. What a difference a few decades makes”. Marty Balogh mentioned, “One of the big changes was the redevelopment of Elaine Place, where an entire block of apartments were renovated. It was unfortunate for the people displaced, but it was a large enough project to make a difference”. Rick Vega mentioned, “Varellas grocery store on the corner where Roscoe's [Tavern] is now. My dad stopped there during the week in the 60's”. Robert Zamora mentioned, “There was a Hull House branch in the storefront next to the grocery store and a Clark gas station built on the northeast corner. Before they built it, the Hull House people would show movies on the apt. build wall next to the lot. They also threw a couple block parties there”. John Terrones mentioned, “The Roscoe street block parties. Awesome.”
Steve Wessing mentioned, “We lived next to El Jardin. [The community was] plagued by divisions between the Mexican community who had fought to be accepted for a long time, and the incoming Puerto Rican immigrants who didn't understand the struggle that had come before them”.
Robert Zamora mentioned, “My recollection is that there were 2 small "grocery" stores on the west side on Halsted, a bar, laundromat, Hull House branch, Clark Gas station another bar further south, a music/furniture(?) store, A&P store, Sherwin WillIams, [and] another gas station (Gas for Less?)... A picture truly worth a thousand words!!!!” 
View south from the southeast corner building 
Broadway/Diversey Area 
by the 1960's
The view north on Broadway 1960's?
Saul Smaizys via David Zornig, Chicagopedia-Facebook 
1980's Broadway/south of Diversey 
 photo - David Zornig via Chicagopedia-Facebook 
Broadway Briar south view 1975
photo - DjSerbian Jon via 
'Chicago Before You Were Born'/Facebook
Clark/Belmont Intersection 
in 1950
view above southeast of the intersection
below view northwest of the intersection
1987 photo - Robert Zamora
southeast corner Roscoe & Halsted 
Barry-Regent dry cleaners since 1950
Pete's Gyros at 3127 N Ashland Avenue
1985 photo - Chicago Public Library via Explore Chicago
Greenview & School 
photo - 75th Lake View Annivesary Magazine
Diversey Harbor 
postcard - Ebay
view north toward St. Joe's Hospital
Clark & Diversey
a view of Lake View East 1965ish that highlights the construction of the Hawthorne House on inner LSD

photo - Saul Smaizys
northwest intersection of Clark & Diversey - late 1970's?
Join the conversation on Facebook
Roscoe/Clark Streets
1988 photo - R. Krueger Chicago Public Library
via Explore Chicago Collection
2021 Google view below
1959 photo - Art Institute of Chicago
2021 Google view below
1920ish? photo - Chuckman Collection
2019 Google view below
Jeffery Lindmark via Memories of the Past/Facebook
 Feb 19 1974
2019 Google views
517 W Oakdale Avenue
when folks of 'means' resided in apartment-hotels
in the early 20th century
photo - Art Institute of Chicago via Explore Chicago  
 535 W Wellington Avenue
The original owner as of October 1901 according to a magazine called The Brickbuilder was John True, esquire. His house was completely 
enclosed in terra cotta.
My thanks to Kevin Peterson, contributor to my sister site 
LakeView Historical/Facebook
photo - Newberry Library via Explore Chicago Collection
with a zoomed entrance view below
The apparent next owner was Horrace L. Brand was a VP of a brewing company that bore his family's name 
that began in the 1899 until 1922 
1910 photo - Chicago Public Library 
Bombed Garage Possible Arson in 1910
(the various angles of the building)
 photo - Zillow
article by Peter Boul
 photo - Zillow
photo - Zillow
 photo - Zillow
the west wall 
via George Valko Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
photo - Zillow
During its heyday in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the Northwestern Terra Cotta Company made Chicago the capital of architectural ornamentation. The company’s officers weren’t shy about using their products on their homes on Terra Cotta Row, a cluster of four homes on the 1000 block of West Oakdale in Lake View. The most impressive of them is the Henry Rokham house, which is so detailed with terra cotta rosettes, plaques, and even a front fence that it’s easy to miss another set of artistic ornaments: the home’s numerous stained-glass windows.
400-500 block of Aldine
photo- Art Institute of Chicago
400 block of Melrose in 1973
photo - Ebay
3300-3400 N Sheridan Road 

1941 photo - Art Institute of Chicago
cars heading south on the Outer Drive
one car heading north on inner Lake Shore Drive

photo - Art Institute of Chicago
3518 N Southport Avenue 
 photo - Art Institute of Chicago
3944-3954 N. Southport Avenue 
photo - TheTrolleyDodger
Southport and Irving Park Road
Diversey Parkway 
west of Pine Grove Avenue 
below photo - Belmont Avenue east of tracks
unknown source and year
Addison & Clark streets
photo below - Steve Lewandowski
via Original Chicago-Facebook 
view south on Clark Street/Addison
Belmont Avenue 
and Broadway 
photo - Saul Smaizys via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
view south on Broadway/Belmont
photo below - Gil Semmen via Forgotten Chicago/Facebook
view west at Broadway/Belmont
University of Illinois-Chicago via Explore Chicago
a view west on Belmont/west of Lakewood in 1944 
bus crossing onto Belmont from Wilton Avenue
photo - via Growing Up in Chicago-Facebook
Evergreen Fine Foods
Looking east on Belmont Avenue/ Broadway in 1980's?
Evergreen Fine Foods now Walgreens
My thanks to 'Revolucion Steakhouse' for this one!
Broadway near Surf in 1986
photo above -
photo below 
Broadway & Wellington mid 1980's
via  Alan Light 
via Bobby Klamms, Forgotten Chicago-Facebook 
Then and Now:
3330 N Kenmore Avenue
 photo -
631 W Barry Avenue
Homes Along 
Paulina Avenue
Spring View 1887
 4136 N Paulina Avenue
Winter View 1899
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
3535 N Paulina Avenue
apparent 1908 photo - the address change occurred in 1909
4101 N Paulina Avenue
1988 photo
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
 4106 N Paulina Avenue
1988 photo - Robert Krueger Collection
4228 N Paulina Avenue
1988 photo
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
4232 N Paulina Avenue
1988 photo
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
4247 N Paulina Avenue
1988 photo
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
4317 N Paulina Avenue
1988 photo
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
4323 N Paulina Avenue
1988 photo
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
4339 N Paulina Avenue
1988 photo - Robert Krueger Collection
and below
4345 N Paulina Avenue
1988 photo from 
Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
Hildegard Schwartz's
 Grocery Store
southwest corner of Lakewood & Henderson
pre 1909 address of 791 Henderson
a few address & name changes on this one!
*Lakewood was once called Herndon*
*Henderson was once called Otto*
Hildegard Schwartz on the left of photo
photos - Steve Schwartz
Hildegard Schwartz and her family lived at 3322 Lakewood Avenue in Lake View. According to her grandson Steve (a contributor of my sister site on Facebook) and along with some research by yours truly. Mrs. Schwartz and her family apparently lived and worked in the same building. The photos provided are from Steve who wished to share his evolving genealogy of his family. Steve’s research has indicated that she was listed in a directory as store-owner, retailer, and clerk..
Hildegard Schwartz with 
unknown child in the family shop
photo - Steve Schwartz
According to the available Sanborn Fire Maps of 1894, 1923, and 1950 this building served as a storefront in a residential block of Lakewood (Henderson). As of 2021 this house is still at this location. The 1894 map address was 791 Herndon Avenue. In 1909 the City of Chicago realigned the addresses so that 3322 Henderson would in a decade or so finally became 3322 N Lakewood Avenue.
2021 Google photos 
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
the general area in 1887
Otto Street ended at Clark Street
Davis Street was the previous name of Belmont Avenue
The RR no longer exists
1894 map below
zoomed below
1950 map below
zoomed below
My thanks to Steve Schwartz for his contribution to this site!! He has indicated he would keep me in the loop on more discoveries by him.
3250 block of LSD in 1972
photos - Photographic Images of Chicago - UIC
a zoomed view
the building's evolution
1960's? photo - University of Illinois-Chicago via Explore Chicago
An Auto Repairing Shop in 1923
An Ink Factory by 1950
missing information between 1950 & 2007
other occupants:
Harry Carey Tavern
Club 162
Halloween pop-up storefront

Links Hall
R Krueger Collection via Chicago Public Library 
via Explore Chicago Collection
once the location of a performing arts studio 
in Lake View
(Facebook album)
 2960 Inner Lake Shore Drive
photo - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection, Chicago Public Library via Explore Chicago Collection
My Childhood Home
 by Barbara Jean Rogers 
The Carroll Court Apartments
Carroll Court Apartments 510-524 W Belmont 
1963 photo - Barbara Jean Rogers 
"The building in this 1963 photo, the Carroll Court at 510–524 Belmont, was built in 1922. Our family lived at 520, the leftmost of the three visible entrances in the raised middle section, from 1952 until the building was razed (along with the building next door, 528–530 Belmont) to build a high rise in 1968. There were six apartments in each of five entrances, two basement apartments (one tenant apartment in the front and a janitor's apartment), and an English basement with rear access. Two of the entrances (510–512 and 522–524) were located at left and right of the raised structure with street entrances at ground level. They are not visible in the photo. I was told but have not yet confirmed that the architect was the same architect who built Crilly Court in Old Town."
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
[The building was razed in] 1968. We moved [south] to 533 Belmont across the street and watched Carroll Court being taken down. I was okay until the wreckers exposed the yellow Colonial-pattern wallpaper in what had been our kitchen. 
Then, I cried." 
- My thanks for this insight to the past!
postcard below of the building - Ebay
The Then & Now:
532-538 Roscoe Street
replaced by a 4+1
and rehabbed and now called Reside on Roscoe
view northwest at Diversey Parkway
 1920's? photo - Ebay
vs a 2017 Google Map view below

1971 image - East Lake View by Matthew Nickerson
vs a 2017 Google Map view below

image - East Lake View by Matthew Nickerson
vs a 2016 Google Map view below
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
replaced by a 4+1 building by the 1970's and then later
 rehabbed by Reside Living by the 2010's
Let's Protest
an anti-nuke protest by the University of Chicago 
Student Peace Union in 1961 on Broadway
watermarked image - Ebay
These buildings were either to be replaced or rehabbed
currently Space Park
Belmont & Kenmore
From an Multi-Family House 
to Single Family
1336 W George Street
 A Nadine Sanchez-Colón contribution to LakeView Historical-Facebook (my page) of her parents home and paperwork in 1969 during a time when buildings were converted into apartments in order to save the house and property. The house and its coach house was last sold recently for $1,225 million as a single family house and the coach house as a rental. Nadine's family lived near a meat-packing facility and she remembers how cows were delivered to the facility - a common view from the house.
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
the distance from the home to the plant
2018 Google view of the house
The Flats 
along Pine Grove Avenue:
3741-55 Pine Grove
these flats (apartment buildings) were replaced by 
Lake Park Plaza in 1968 

1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed view below
3940-3954 were replaced on Pine Grove 
& 701-721 Irving Park Road was also replaced
the replacement was initial called Pine Point Plaza
southwest corner

1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed view below
3626-3664 Pine Grove and
711-717 Waveland Avenue apartment were replaced
by the Lakeview East Cooperative
the replacement
Across the street in Buena Park, Uptown
The Pattington 

*not sure exactly where*
photo - William Brubaker, UIC 
via Explore Chicago Collection
858 W Diversey Parkway
photo - John Keating via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
by 2010 is was gone
a 2009 Google view of it below
3443 N Southport by 1990's
photo - Sulzer Regional Library
below photofrom the Sheridan el platform 
looking south 
1975 photo - Saul Smaizys via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
Lincoln Park Plaza
1950s - Art Institute of Chicago
view from Lake Shore Drive towards the west
The R. Krueger 
currently part of 
The Northside Collection
housed at Sulzer Reginal Library
3440 N Ashland Avenue
2002 images - R. Krueger Collection 
2001 photo - R. Krueger Collection  
2001 photo - R. Krueger Collection 
3254 N Halsted Street
southwest corner of Halsted Street & Aldine Avenue
2001 photo - R. Krueger Collection 
3411 N Halsted Street
north of Roscoe on Halsted Street
What I love about this photograph is the couple 
in the window when you zoom in
1987 photo -  R. Krueger Collection 
Street Scenes 
Along the L Tracks
William C. Brubaker Collection 1975
also under the 
Northside Collection
at Sulzer Reginal Library
 CTA tracks at Ashland & Roscoe
 CTA tracks at Sheridan Road at Dakin
and below CTA tracks at Southport
A Storage Unit 
postcards - Chicago  History in Postcards
The Hebard Express, Storage and Van Company, one of many locations, was located and still located but under the name of Self Storage 1-Wrigleyville is at 3839 Sheffield Avenue on the corner of Sheridan Road and Sheffield. Read more about this company and their fire-proof buildings in 1907 via Google-books.
 Anderson Brothers & Storage
3134 Sheffield Avenue
1922 photo - Chicago History Museum via 
Explore Chicago Collection
The company sign is to the right of this photo with the Vic Theater next north of it and across the street the Merry Gardens
built in stages 1912, 1915, & 1920
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed view below
a 2013 view of it below
 photos - Lake View Patch
The company moved in 2013 to the west side that year ending & gaining the reputation as having the longest business tenured in Lake View at the time. Read more about the conversion from commercial to residential from Curbed Chicago and it's pictorial development via Google Maps in 2015 and 2016.
view of the building in 2021
The Belmont Army 
once at 855 W Belmont Avenue
photo - Andrew M via Yelp 2005
In 2006 the CTA renovated the Belmont Station. They widen the space of the platform. The buildings next to the L on both sides of Belmont Avenue were demolished so to accomplish this renovation. The Belmont Army Surplus since has changed its name to Belmont Army and moved near Clark Street but still on Belmont Avenue. 
photo - Baskervilleh via Flickr 2005
photo - A.V.S. via Yelp 2005
the interior 2003 -
photo - Mr. Montrose via Flickr 2005
photo - Will K. via Flickr 2005
image - via Susan Groff Riebman
once at 3535 North Ashland Avenue
Mike Wojciechowski via Original Chicago-Facebook mentioned that Bert Weinman Ford sponsored Sunday matinees such as Sherlock Holmes, & Cisco Kid or Charlie Chan during the 1950’s & 60’s.
2009 testimonials
”I had a 1977 Ford Country Squire I bought so a 400+ pound driver would have something big enough to handle him. It did. I had already seen a guy who was well over 600 pounds in our city drive around in a 1970's full-sized LTD coupe so I knew I had found the right car for my huge friend.”
“Am I so screwed up that I'd rock each and every one of those 1977 cars!  The Malibu - yes. The LTD II Brougham Hardtop - Yes. The Grand Marquis - Definitely Yes! Oh, but the daddy of them all, that 9 Passenger Squire Wagon, even in that light blue color.... wow. Of course, back in 1981, I was just making $18,000 per year, with a mortgage.”
The above are comments from a 2009 online threaded conversation about Bert Weinman Ford used autos. 
Lee Weinman opened the doors to Bert Weinman Ford in July 1967
If you watched enough those TV commercials the sound of "at 3535 North Ashland Avenue!!" would be implanted in your mind for days.
Weinman Ford would typically sponsored Flash Gordon serials on WGN-TV Channel 9 on Sunday mornings and other low-cost local programming.
Burton was the voice for the dealership TV shows like WGN-Ch. 9's ‘Creature Features’ that were typical late night broadcasts. According to a 1988 Chicago Tribune article about him, “As contradictory as it may seem, Burton, who for years was a master of the 'ad lib' in 18 to 20 minute LIVE [not taped] commercials. He was a stickler for rehearsing his script. As he put it, "every word is there for a purpose and has to be said a certain way". In the 1940's when he was an announcer on W.A.I.T radio the 'other announcers would laugh at me for rehearsing so much', Burton said. So I would go into the men`s room to rehearse. The son of a Methodist minister, Burton said his gift of gab. I sort of became a minister, preaching, "Come unto me all you who want to save money". 
In pure marketing terms it's called ‘externality’ – the art of making the buyer feel that with that purchase of that particular product the buyer will feel better off buying it then walking away. To the general public Linn Burton was Bert Weinman Ford or in other words Bert Weinman Ford was an public extension of Linn Burton. 
photo -
The dealership closed their doors on April 6, 2006 with its forty employees; years before sales artesian himself Linn Burton left the TV airwaves. To the general public Linn Buron was the public voice and face of this Ford dealership. Since 2006 the parcel of land had been used for parking for Wrigley Field patrons until an announcement of a planned development in 2013 - senior living facility. 
Dennis Place
The last of the arcades in Lake View
 photo above - ASV via Yelp
Follow the comments on Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
photo below - Andrew M via Yelp
Lake View 
Ballard Café
2000 photo - Sulzer Regional Library
text - Native Guide to Chicago 2004
A Bus Stop 
in 1973
view of the Belmont Hotel looking south on inner LSD
photo - Ebay
1143 W Addison Street
1989 photo - Robert Krueger Collection
"If I had a dollar for everyone who came in and said, `I've passed your place a million times but never noticed you,' I wouldn't have to work again," joked Tom Boyle, Yesterday's founder - "We're just glad a few folks stop in from time to time." The store brims with posters, snapshots, comic books and magazines that document generations of film, TV, sports, and world events." In fact, Mr. Boyle mentioned to me the other day that before he bought the building some 40 old years ago he would do that same thing - walk on by." - article by Mike Roach who did a special piece for the Chicago Tribune in 2003 on this unique storefront.
This double storefront building was constructed in 1883 when Lake View was a township.
photos - Garry Albrecht 

RIP in 2019 - He was 88

2017 photos from DNAinfo below

My Purchases
Johnny's Lounge
 3425 N Lincoln Avenue
photos -  Raymond Kunst
Raymond Kunst Photography
A Then & Now:
Sheridan Road & Broadway
southeast corner
with a view of Woolworth's in early 1980's
photo - William Carr
a 2019 Google view of it
Clark Street & 
Belmont Avenue
The Belmont Court Apartments 
northeast corner
photoo - Dave Genelly via Pinterest
Homes of Buena Park
once a community within the 
Township/City/District of Lake View
via Inland Architects
and below
Planned developments as of 1890
interior views below
The Vintage Lake View
Social Clubs:
After reading countless Daily News or Chicago Tribune archive articles about the City and community of Lake View from late 19th and early 20th centuries the following organizations listed and pictured below were used as citizen town-halls or social clubs much like the neighborhood associations today look for place to meet and 
discussion civic and neighborhood issues.  
The Social Turners
(some background)
Many Germans immigrated to the United States following the failure of an 1848 revolution designed to introduce democratic reforms into the governments of the German states. Among these immigrants were members of the Turners, an athletic and political organization founded in Germany during the second decade of the nineteenth century. 
image - Chicago History in Postcards
below - 1891 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
with a pre 1909 address of 701 (1651) W Belmont Avenue
These societies served as athletic, political, and social centers for German communities in the United States. The 'Turners' most important contribution to American life in their communities has been their advocacy of physical education and fitness. Turners successfully lobbied local school boards in many cities for the inclusion of physical education classes in the curriculum, and Turner instructors served as the directors of physical education programs in many school systems in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
An Event Meeting Place Card
images - Ebay

A Social Club at the Hall
 images via Ebay

Lincoln-Turner Hall
(Turn-Verein Lincoln)
constructed in 1886
Township of Lake View
photo - unknown source
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps 
1887 view
Township/City of Lake View
that year the from of government change from a township to a city - supervisor to mayor, trustees to alderman. 
Fullerton Avenue was the boader street between 
Lake View & Chicago

zoomed view below
with a theatre
1891 view
District of Lake View
with a Reading Room, Dance Room, Dining Room, & Bar Room
a 1923 map view
with a Restaurant/Rest Room, Auditorium/Dining, Natatorium,
 and Club Room on the 2nd floor with four storefronts 
on the first floor
*natatorium is a indoor swimming pool*
1950 view
Community of Lincoln Park
a Radio Assembling area off the Restaurant of 1923
Interior Views of the Dining Area
entrance to the dining area was at 1005 
now a parking lot
4 postcards below - Chicago History in Postcards

It had a cafe
below photo - Chuckman Collection 
The Gym Inside

an ad - Lake View High School yearbook of 1925
image below - 'Lake View' by Matt Nickerson
the teams 
photos - Chicago History Museum via Explore Chicago Collection
A 'Live' Music Program
photos - Ebay
A Place to Meet-Up
photos - Ebay
A Socialist / Anarchist Meet-up
 in 1888
A New Lodge #477 Concert
 in 1932
part of my collection
An Anti-Nazis Protest
 in 1938
U.S. was still in the midst of the Great Depression

CPS Hired from 
this Organization 
1960 article
1990 photo - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection/Chicago Public Library
*currently houses the 
The Social Turnverein
on Belmont Aveune at Paulina
1651 W Belmont Avenue
photos - Ebay
1891 Rascher's Altas
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
(The Belmont Theatre was constructed in 1925)
 Lake View's 
part of my collection 
selected pages
The North Shore Club
1831 Wellington Avenue
pre 1909 address
515-519? Wellington Avenue
post 1909 address
District of Lake View
 1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
The Elite Directory and Club List of Chicago 1891 
Articles on this Club:
The Belmont Hall 
3218 Dayton Street
where the alley 
widens to become a street
image - 2021 Google Earth
2022 Google Views
the view of the alley towards Belmont Avenue
view of the back of the building
with a view of the alley towards the street
Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
1923 view
with an entrance on Clark Street
'Here the young folks met at the Saturday evening dances, here they listened to "Olle i Skratthult" and his theatrical groups and to concerts given by singing societies and by soloists such as Gunnar Sund and John Chellman, not to forget Hjalmar Ebbeson and Joseph Blomgren who held their audience captive with Wennerberg's Gluntarna. In latter years Svenska Folkteatern added memories to the place by staging melodramatic plays portraying Swedish life and customs a hundred years ago.'  
Lake View Halls
3149 N Clark Street
The Lake View's 
Flying Club
The President's Home on Pratt Avenue
Records Made in 1894
HQ was 622 Lincoln Ave. (2701 Lincoln Ave.)
 A Biographical Article of the Club in 1900
A 1899 Association Booklet
photos from Ebay
Svithiod Singing Club
District of Lake View
matchbooks - Ebay
The Story
from the Swedish Element of Chicago
Internation Order 
of Vikings
Drake Lodge #3 
postcard - Ebay
The Lake View's 
Nut Club
3259 N Leavitt Avenue
 District of Lake View
all items are part of my collection
selected pages
dues booklet
photos- Ebay
Masonic Hall [Lodge]
photo/text - G. Lane via Chicago: City of Neighborhoods
Imperial Lodge 
National Union Lodge Hall
2019 Google view below
currently The Zen Buddhist Temple 
text & photo - Open House Chicago
The Jeffersonian Club 
of Lake View     1342 W Roscoe Street
image - Illinois Digital Archives
a 1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance view of the location 
             photo - via Explore Chicago Collection            
this building according to several real estate companies was built in 1911 so not the original location. According to Carole Kulzer Brennan who is a contributor to LakeView Historical-Facebook “Before the Internet, people actually met each other in person for conversation and other social activities. Clubs were where they met. The Turners were and still are part of an international group whose founder believed in people having a sound mind in a sound body. Arriving in America during the mass immigration of 1848 they spread out across the country into more than 300 clubs. Chicago had many such clubs, Lake View at least 2 and an elementary school on Belmont and Honore...Jahn School was named for the founder of the movement. The Jeffersonian's founded themselves around his philosophies.” 
tokens - Ebay
And according to Vince Cozzi, another contributor, “Up until sometime in the mid 1990’s, that club was what I have always heard referred to as a “blind pig” - a private bar usually frequented by police officers after their late shift. My friend lived in a two-flat on Newport that backed up to this building. He went there several times, and I joined him for a beer there late one night after the bars closed, around 3 am. A unique bit of the Chicago experience. To be sure, there was no conversation about Jeffersonian ideals or even politics for that matter. It was mostly shut up & drink your beer.”

Other Clubs 
and Associations:
Kiwanis Club
Kiwanis Club 1948
Lincoln Ashland Belmont Business Association 1
in 1947
Lake View Community Council 
in 1944 above
Lake View Cooperative Club
in 1948 below
'Chartered in 1886 two years before the City of Lake View [Community of Ravenswood] was annexed to Chicago to become the [District] of Lake View, Ravenswood Lodge 777 is [still] one of Chicago's oldest Masonic fraternity showing brothers the light in three different Centuries.  Ravenswood 777 has had three different homes since its inception in 1886. The birthplace of Ravenswood 777 was at 1630 W. Wilson Ave., which is now the home of the American Indian Center of Chicago.' - Ravenswood Lodge 777
and then
 American Indian Center
photo - Curbed Chicago
photo - American Indian Center
photo - Chicago Tribune
 illustrations via Curbed Chicago
Lake View's Council 
of Boy Scouts of America
Currently part of the 'Founders District' of the BSA
BSA Lake View in 1956
'The Founders District serves the communities of: Rogers Park, Edgewater, Peterson Park, Albany Park, Ravenswood, Uptown, Irving Park, Lakeview, Lincoln Park, Logan Square, Wicker Park, Bucktown, West Loop, The Loop, and River North. Our District works closely with over 40 Scout Units.' Below is a 2019 photo from their Facebook page
International Association
of Lions Clubs
Rotary Club of Chicago
article from 1930
how it started
since 2005
meeting place
2017 photos - Facebook page
Some Lake View 
Membership Patches
photos - Ebay
with Names
flats = apartments
Addison & Fremont
815-17 Addison Street
The Florence
823-25 Addison Street
920-22 Addison Street
1319-29 Addison Street
Unknown Title
but has a two original entrances
1307-17 Addison Street
West & East
1420-22 W Irving Park Road
3514-16 N Broadway
The Kids 
of Old Lake View
The Wright Home
Greenview & Montrose
newly formed district of Lake View
with the reverse side of photo
zoomed views below
 District of Lake View
zoomed view below
kids on their porch in 1890's
with a zoomed view below
 unknown date - Chicago Public Library
with text on the reverse side
all photos above - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
kids of the 
Community of Lake View
photo - Howie Saunders in 1946 with his mother
on the corner of Clark/Addison - Wrigley Field

Scott Richard Holm's mother 
at the 3800 block of Sheffield in early 1920's?
Grace & Lakewood 1930's or 40's
Christina Smith Guziec and her family 
via Forgotten Chicago - Facebook
with a zoomed view below
Lance Grey's uncles in 1945 
view north toward Diversey on Southport
2850ish N Clark Street
photo from Pamela Gulyban Palacios 
and location find by Lee Kanee 
via Forgotten Chicago Discussion Group-Facebook 
3300 N Kenmore photo - Patty Seitz 
via LakeView Historical
1950's or 60's negatives - Chicago History Museum
1100 block of W Diversey Parkway view north
photo - 'Lake View: visual history of a Chicago 
image - Lake View by Matthew Nickerson
David Akiyama's (contributor to LakeView Historical) sister
when they both lived 3600 block of Wilton in the 1950's
Here's a photo of me (Kevin) and my brother taken at Bosworth and Waveland around 1961-62 
photo by Kevin Sheldon
Susan Reibman Groff at Belmont Harbor in 1967
Jeff Erhman via David Akiyama at the playground of
Le Moyne School mid-60's which is currently 
called Inter-American Magnet School 
 Ellen Pulizz Shockley during the Blizzard of 1967
3 photos
900 block of Oakdale/Mildred

2900 block of Mildred Avenue
Bill Schneider via Original Chicago-Facebook
1976 photo - Carter O'Brien
via LakeView Historical-Facebook
This is a photo of Carter of O'Brien playing in a playlot at
 Wolfram near Lakewood Avenue
1960's photo - Lars Johnson via Forgotten Chicago Discussion Group-Facebook at the 900 block Fletcher Avenue
Lincoln/Ashland 1976-77
photo - Collen Moore
1970's photo - Tina Sevilla Velasco 
via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
The Conversation from LakeView Historical-Facebook

1971 photo - Xavier Quintana 
at Wilton & School
The 4 Photos 
via Sue Moore Gustafson 
along 3800 block of Southport Avenue 
in the playground of Blaine School

 According to Sue Moore Gustafson these photos "are from late 60's or early 70's at Blaine School Summer Social Center. The 3700 and 3800 block of Southport seen in the background are the Music Box, Southport Department Store, Fellers Butcher and more."

1977 Flood at Addison Underpass
photos - Christo Sanchez
The Elaine Place Story
unknown photographer
"when this area was called NewTown
I stumbled on this one from a website called Photography Permitted - 1970's photos from a no name individual
 "In the mid-1970's I lived on Elaine Place in the NewTown area of Chicago. Every building was empty except for mine and another. A builder had purchased all the buildings on the block and began to renovate all of them at the same time."
"He ran out of money and the buildings remained vacant. Rarely did anyone ever venture onto our block. These kids appeared out of nowhere one day and were having the time of their lives parading up the sidewalk. They never returned."
A Summertime 
Vintage Photo
photo via Xavier Quintana, LakeView Historical-Facebook
'Children cool off at a fire hydrant at N Wilton and W School streets on June 28, 1971, in the Lake View neighborhood of Chicago. 
photo by William Loewe (Vintage Tribune)' 
photo by Karen Engstrom (Vintage Tribune)
Wearing a wide assortment of rain gear, five students head for school in May 1978 on Broadway south of Briar Place on the west side of the block. Rachel Rubin, left, 9, totes a baseball glove. With her are Sarah Rubin, 8, Liesl Miller, 9, Emily Sasaki, 8, and Ellen Sasaki, 6.
 1990 photo - Dale Destree via Pictures of Chicago-Facebook
Her four year old daughter at Wrigley Field
  Lakewood-Wolfram Playlot.
photo - Carter O'Brien
Kids Hanging out 
the location is Grace Street west of Clark Street
A Family Postcard
a contribution to my Facebook page
samples below
all photos - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
students from Sulzer (Ravenswood) School
students from Hamiton School
The Epic Snowstorm of 1979
Sheffield between Roscoe & School
1979 photo - Marty Swartz via
Living History of Chicago & Illinois-Facebook
The Comments - Facebook
Jackie Johnson Carrell
“I was born on that street in 1950, but my parents moved three months later. My mom took me shopping and came home to find a rat sitting on the radio and ran out the door with me never to return, leaving moving up to my dad. We moved to Wilton Ave.”
Carolyn Bay
“I remember that. I was trying to run an aldermanic campaign in Chicago. Our precinct workers couldn't go door to door. Nothing was shoveled. My candidate couldn't get her car out of her alley. It was blocked by snow. I had trouble getting to and from the campaign office. Buses weren't on schedule or their regular routes because of the snow.”
 Sue Gawron
“I remember well everybody was stuck in the house and couldn't go anywhere. That's when I got pregnant with my first child thank you storm of 1979.”
 Barry Mims Marcia Nessle
“Yes, I also remember how the lots where they took illegal parked cars to the lots then dumped snow on those cars. People didn’t know what happened to their cars. And as you said the thieves had a field day. Some people didn’t find their cars until spring.”
Marcia Nessle
“When people move their cars into plowed lots so the streets could be cleared, the snow plows plowed the lots shut and no one could get their cars out. Meanwhile, thugs stripped the stranded cars while Bilandic was telling everyone the problem was now solved.”
 Geoff Thursby
“That was a month after I got my driver license, so I got plenty of practice driving on lousy roads! A weird thing I remember is that a lot of people tied a flag to the top of their radio antenna, since that was all you could see over the snow piled up at the intersections.”
Jackie Kern Maes
“Our school was closed for a couple days. Back then, they never closed schools!”
 Michael Kinsley
“I was a kid and it was great.”
Gaye Durst
“An amazing time to be a kid, best week eva!”
 Todd Fisher
“9 years old. Loved it!”
The 1967 Snowfall
on Buckingham Place
photos by Dona Eberhardt 
Her family lived on the 600 block of that street
view is east
zoomed to show a #36 Broadway bus heading north
and her siblings
with a 2009 Google view below

Post Notes:
A Research Lessonphoto - Institute of Historical Research
Most of my research is in the comfort of my own home - online through a variety of sources that is mentioned in my first post. My favorite beginning point is vintage postcards, then photos from long established websites, and then supporting text mostly from Chicago Library newspaper section/ & maps, and then from personal testimony. 
This was my 'train of thought' for this post.
Sometimes postcards do you a favor and caption the location on the postcard which is great if the street name had not changed or the Chicago street address did not change prior to 1909. I do my best to check the accuracy of the addresses and names of streets for the current location. There are three tools used. One is the Plan of Re-Numbering by the City of Chicago in 1909. This online resource converts the old address to new post 1909 address with great accuracy. In 1889 Chicago doubled its geographical size by agreeing to annex three townships and one city – that city was Lake View. By 1909 the commerce of the city needed some assistance. Each former township/city had their own address system. The main post office had enough. In 1909 the city published the conversion booklet. Downtown had to wait until 1911. Hence, I will type pre 1909 and post 1909 on many postcards or photos. The second one is Chicago Streets published in 1948 by William Martin published by the Chicago History Museum. This publication is all about name changes prior to 1948. The third resource is the Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, the Google Earth of its' day. These hand drawn maps were super detailed shaping the houses/stores accurately with information that help Fire Department/Station Houses locate the dwelling in need of assistance as well as insurance companies with the information they needed to assist house/store owners. The dates provided are 1887, 1894, 1923, and 1950.

The sheet is divided within each column 

via Chicago History Museum 
a complete sheet below
in many cases a history of the street is provided
access to a Chicago Library card is generally required
below is a 1894 map
a individual #sheet is provided for greater detail
A Good Example 
of My Extended Research Process
one of my countless sources
I made a random search with the keyword of streets
 in old Lake View. The keyword for this search was Clark Street. Then, I chose what I consider interesting or significant.

 reverse side of the photo
*I am assuming this information is correct*
another view of the residence
The William Knoke residence, owner of a brick manufacturing company, located at post 1909 address 2937 N Clark Street and a 
pre 1909 of 1490 Clark Street
My first step is the ...
Street Converter 
page 26
I needed to located the column with the old/new address 
to check the correct conversion

I could research his name next

text - Album of Genealogy & Biography
German -Americans of this period of time were Lincoln Republicans, supporters of abolitionism
then the Sanborn Fire Insurance Map search
2019 Google map
the current address of 2937 N Clark
looking for the pre 1909 address of 1490 Clark
X marks the assumed spot based on the 2019 map
zoomed view of the spot 
zoomed even further
but no address labeled, 
so assuming the correct spot of the residence
the 1894 map zoomed view is no help 
but I do know the residence is still there
by 1923 the area shows a lot of development
zoomed view below 
with the current address & location
and then I could locate the current assumed location 
with Google 2019 Map 

Follow me to my next post called

Important Note:
These posts are exclusively used for educational purposes. I do not wish to gain monetary profit from this blog nor should anyone else without permission for the original source - thanks!