Some Background
Of the early Jewish congregations of the 19th century, only three remain on the far South Side, none on the city's West Side, whereas 12 remain in the north.
Of the twelve on the northside three of them purchased property in suburban areas.
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
*I lived on Stratford Place
and would walk by it almost everyday*
Their First Location
in Lake View
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
The First Building was
on Pine Grove Avenue
the plan to move
in 1926
The Second Building on
Lake Shore Drive
in the beginning
The Congregation's Historical Path
reviewed in 1936
with a zoomed view of the space for the new temple
Construction Photos
(snips from video)
the cornerstone before placement
view south toward Stratford Place from Cornelia
View northeast toward Lake Shore Drive from Stratford Place
probably the rabbi greeting folks by main entrance steps

view from Stratford Place

3 views from Lake Shore Drive and
view northwest angle from Stratford Place/inner LSD
photo - RWR Capes 1928, Tom Morrisey via Forgotten Chicago Discussion Group
A Tour Spot
in 1938
Temple Sholom of Chicago 1944
- Chicago History in Postcards and CardCow
Description within postcard:
One of the most beautiful religious edifices in America, built of dressed stone, at a cost of nearly 2 million dollars.
The temple cornerstone that reads the
Jewish year of construction 5689 = 1928
photo - Garry Albrecht
a snip from a video
an apparent 1940s north view from Lake Shore Drive
from Historic Chicago/Facebook
The Expanded Hall
The wall is mobile and can slide back to the expanded temple interior during the high holidays & events
Lake Vview Council on Religious Action meeting
in 1949
The new Jewish arrivals from eastern Europe of the 1870’s differed from the established German Chicago Jewish population of the 1840’s in their cultural background, language, dress, demeanor, and economic status and until mid-twentieth century. By 1910 a number of the Reform Jews would move north mainly to Rogers Park but also into community of Lake View. In 1928 the cornerstone was laid and the established a temple of worship along the lakefront was to be known as Temple Sholom.
2022 interior view
Memorial for JFK in 1963
photos - Chicago History Museum
The congregation had a visitor on October 21, 1964
photos - Chicago History Museum
Martin Luther King accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10th of the same year in Olso, Norway
The Relationship
Temple Sholom ...
Congregation Anshe Emes
moved to Lake View in 1922
and then later become
Congregation Anshe Mizrach
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
the map as the address as 631??
Sholom moves out
and Anshe Emes moves in
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
with the school built in 1937 and the assembly hall behind it
the map indicates 'Emet' not 'Emes'
Congregation Jubilee
in 1949
Original cornerstone relaid
2012 photo - Garry Albrecht
An interesting note according the publication Hidden History of Ravenswood & Lake View by Patrick Butler, on November 1939 the congregation had a interesting guest speaker. The speaker present a topic of great interest called 'What the German People are Thinking'. The speaker was the nephew of the then Fuehrer of Germany William Patrick Hitler and was anti-war & NOT a fan of his uncle. William Hitler served in the U.S Navy in WWII.
The congregation then bought the Sheridan Theater in 1951
once located on Sheridan Road north of Irving Park Road.
The congregation sold the former theater in 1969
then sells in 1969
zoomed view below
This 1923 Sanborn Map indicates the Greystone location
while the map below shows the Center's footprint in 1950
zoomed view below
In 1960, the last few members of Congregation Bnai Israel left
Old Town neighborhood, ceased operations in the 1300 block of Sedgwick and soon after became known as Anshe Sholom Bnai Israel. Two years later, the long postwar decline of the Jewish west-side of Chicago brought an end to the main Anshe Sholom congregation on Independence Boulevard, and it, too, merged into ours, creating the present name in Lake View East neighborhood.
615 W Wellington
Community of Lake View
from Christian to Jewish
District of Lake View
Community of Lake View
1908 - 1954
Jewish to Christian
photo & text
This former temple are now condos according to Zillow along with its original stained-glass windows and 30-foot ceilings
to Christian
photo below - Brule Laker/Flickr
to Christian
Christ Church of Chicago had its beginnings in 1946 when a group of first-generation Japanese-Americans met to worship together after arriving in Chicago for the first time. They had recently been released from the World War II Relocation Camps and they were seeking to strengthen ties with others in the Japanese-American community and to fill their spiritual needs. The membership grew rapidly as the congregation worshipped in various locations until the joyous day in 1954 when they were finally able to purchase their first home on Buckingham Place in the Lake View. The church was a busy gathering place for three generations of Japanese-Americans. However, by 1987, declining membership and a deteriorating building forced the congregation to sell the church building and move to temporary worship sites. Gradually, though, the members rediscovered their common purpose and enthusiasm and in 2000 purchased the present church home at 6047 N. Rockwell in West Rogers Park, the former St. Mark’s Lutheran Church.
836 W Aldine Avenue
after that
Community of Lake View
'In 1948, Temple Ezra acquired its first permanent
location, a small building located on Aldine between Clark and Halsted. The
growth of the Congregation and the size of its permanent home necessitated
holding High Holy Day Services at larger rental facilities, mainly at the
Masonic Lodge on Wilson Avenue and for many years at the People’s Church on
Lawrence Avenue. Rabbi Schoenberger remained until 1956. He was succeeded by
Rabbi Joseph Liberles, who served until 1961. On March 17, 1957, Temple Ezra
dedicated its second home at 5658 North Winthrop Avenue, a former Greek
Orthodox Church building. In 1967, the Congregation acquired the synagogue
building from New Israel Synagogue at 2620 West Touhy and changed its name to
Ezra Congregation in order to formally identify with the Conservative Movement.' - their website
Congregation buys Christian building
further north
A group of young men and women established a sports and social club on the northside in 1936, known as the Sport Center of Jewish Youth. In 1938, it evolved as the North Center of Jewish Youth at this location. Friday evening services were added on November 10, 1938, coincidentally the day after the infamous Kristallnacht in Nazi Germany. It was held in the Sanctuary of Temple Emanuel, once on 701 Buckingham Place. Religious services were occasionally held in the sanctuaries of Temple Emanuel, Lincoln Park Congregation,
and Anshe Emet Synagogue.

photo - corner of inner Lake Shore Drive
and Irving Park Road
'Every Friday night, Anshe Sholom synagogue circles their Lake View area with a wire, creating an eruv. The eruv is an enclosed space that allows Anshe Sholom's members to carry objects
within it on their Sabbath' - Matt Nickelson
The Schools:
Day School
Community of Lake View
"The Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School is an independent, Jewish day school that combines the best of Jewish learning and traditions and the best of innovative educational practices in a rigorous and nurturing learning environment. Dedicated educators partner with Jewish families to fulfill the goal of raising children to be their best selves and good citizens of their communities."
School Plan in 1965
The below 1965 photo highlights the former Chateau Theater to the left of the photo & former space of the Bismarck Gardens then Marigold Arena with liquor store with in front of it behind
the seated audience to the right of photo
photo/text - East Lake View by Matthew Nickerson
Plan to Expand
in 2019
Post Notes:
Also, visit this Forgotten Chicago site on the
less remembered synagogues in Chicago.
Important Note:
These posts are exclusively used for educational purposes. I do not wish to gain monetary profit from this blog nor should anyone else without permission for the original source - thanks!
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