June 22, 2011

Police & Fire

The Departments Evolution 
& Their Stories
This post is in two parts
Police & Fire
events in Old Lake View
The township existed between 1857-1887
and as a city from 1887-89
District of Chicago 1889 - late 1920's
Community of Lake View 1930ish to present
photo - Ravenswood Lake View Community Collection
Lake View's Town Hall
1884 History of Cook County 
by Alfred Theodore Andreas
  Lake View Town Hall cops & wagon 
probably betweeen 1889-1907 
photo - via Robert Zamora via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
The Town Hall was converted to the 42nd precinct according to this 1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
The Kaiser Garten could have been the place to meet-up by public officials. Below is a postcard of mine of their beer garden
to be replaced by a new building in 1907
text - General Superintendent of Police 1908
1920's photo - Calumet 412
the below photo from Wikipedia shows 
a more modern look
Town[ship]of Lake View 
Reports in 1879

The Tiny Jail
Town[ship] of Lake View 
Reports 1885-86
Police Department Report
Fire Department Report
Articles & Reports from 
Old Lake View
After the annexation of City of Lake View in 1889 the same territory was referred to the District of Lake View until official Communites were established by the City of Chicago in the 1930's such as Uptown, North Central, Lincoln Park, & of course Lake View
City of Chicago 
takes over the former 
City of Lake View's Town Hall 
in 1891
A Hero 
in 1901
The Illegal Pier
off Cornelia Street in 1894

This became a police matter due to a complex legal issue concerning private ownership land along the waters edge and the desire to expand the park northward beyond Belmont Avenue. A State of Illinois sanctioned Lincoln Board of Commissioners (who govened the lakefront at the time the right to over-ride riparian legality and to order the police to remove the privately owned pier so the landfill for the park could continue northward with the development of Belmont Yacht Harbor. The harbor was approved in 1913 and opened in 1916.

The Smelly Dead Horse
in 1894
'The drama began on November 23rd, 1892, when a man in Lake View was approached by man riding a horse who wore a mask covering his eyes with stiff derby hat and a sandy mustache. The “highwayman” ordered him to set all his money on the ground 
and just go away.'....
Troubles on Stratford Place 
in 1897
The Crime of the Century
An Irish Plot
This murder mystery story took place in the City of Lake View in 1889 months before the annexation to City of Chicago.
excerpts from article
A book was published on 
this murder/mystery 
that year. 
This book is part of my collection
A Spot of Blood
in 1899
District of Lake View Justice 
in 1901

Trouble on Stratford Place
in 1901
Hugger Caught
in 1904
'Shady' Hotels
in 1909
Student Missing?
in 1917
missing since November 1916
who disappeared from her home
according to a previous article
Abuse on Stratford Place
in 1943
The State of Illinois 
Gets Involved in August 
Religious vs Police
in 1948
in 1948
Her apartment building still stands at
1044 W Belmont Avenue as of 2024
Residents vs Police
 in 1958
Re-Drawing Police Borders
in 1960
in 1963
Murder and 
Kidnapping in 1965

Keeping the Kids in School
in 1965

A Family Affair
by 1971
Police Support Tenents
in 1972

Violence and Politics
in 1979
Cops Honored
in 1982
New Town was basically Lake View East. I guess the neighborhood needed to be re-branded for real estate markeing reasons. The new name lasted for about a two decades from the 
late 1960's to the early 1980's
in 1987
Walking the Beat
in 1988
Chicago Police District 
in 2012
Prior to 2012 the neighborhood of Lake View was administered and patrolled by two police districts in the North Division of Chicago, the 19th and 23rd. A re-alignment occurred in 2012 with the consolidation of and elimination of two police districts; one in the North Division that includes Lake view and the other in the South Division. A decision was made.
With the construction of the (new) Town Hall in 2010 at Addison near Halsted the elimination of either the 19th or 23rd Police District became a reality but not without some resident resistance and a lot of public meetings from both residents of the old 19th that was located on 2452 Belmont Avenue just west of Western Avenue and the Town Hall District. The compromise was the retention of the courthouse on Western Avenue but the loss of 'administrated' patrol and detective manpower to the new building on Addison. The other change was the name of the consolidated district. The 23rd became history and the 19th was remained with a larger presence in Chicago. The new 19th Police District borders were north on Lawrence Avenue, south of Fullerton Avenue, west of the Chicago River, and to east the Lake Michigan. The new building (former 42th precinct would have new life as a LBGTQ+ senior home) and new building was to house the new 19th Police District personal. 
I once lived the police sub-district? six beat 1925 
just over twenty odd years.
edited image - Chicago Police Department
The 19th's Beats
I lived in Police Beat #1925
Police Beats 
pre Lake View's wards
The Final Days of the 
Old Station
photo below via Lake View Saga
Converted to
Center on Addison
the new interior
19th Police District
850 W Addison
The space was mostly the school parking lot 
and an apartment building on Addison Street
photos - Chicago Public Commission
lobby view

neighborhood community room
This new Police Station  replaced the existing police station located at 3600 North Halsted. The fomer police station on the corner of Addison/Halsted was built in the 1907 and no longer had adequate space or amenities to service the Old Town Hall District. The new station consists of a two story 44,000-square-foot masonry building with a design based on the prototype for other new police stations that have been built throughout the City of Chicago
Google Views below
view east
view west
The former space
  the school used for parking
2007 view east
2007 view of the school and 
parking lot on Addison in front of the school
2007 view of an apartment building that was demo'ed for parking
and Old Town Hall to the right of photo
Addison Street near Fremont Avenue 
with the school in the background
entire view east from Fremont Avenue
2009 views eastward toward Halsted Street
and below toward Fremont on Addison Street 
with the school in the background
Established in 1992 the CAPS program (19th Twitter) is designed to ideally bring the police, the community, and other city agencies together to identify and solve neighborhood's 'quality of life issues', rather than simply react to their symptoms after the fact. Problem solving by this program at the neighborhood level is supported by a variety of strategies, including neighborhood-based beat officers; regular Beat Community Meetings (the building on Addison has a room for that ) involve both police & residents; extensive training for both police and community; more efficient use of city services that impact crime; and new technology to help police and residents target crime hot spots. 
The Chicago Police Department has a great 
data-map portal that list crimes per geographical location 
Notice of Monthly Meetings
of Lake View
(My Facebook album)
Some Testimonials 
by Carter O'Brien
my parents were divorced and living on opposite sides of Lakewood on George (1100) and Wolfram (1300). That little playground on Wolfram and Lakewood was lively, to say the least. Walking back and forth through the area almost daily meant I was recognized as a local, and like Renee alludes to, in general these guys didn't mess with their neighbors, I had friends who fit every stereotypical background from this time, Germans, Irish, Polish longtime residents (St Alphonsus was certainly a large presence), Appalachians, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans... and then came the Yuppies, who I almost felt sorry for, as they seemed so lacking in terms of extended family and deeper ties and community relationships."
and by Alan D. Neal
"I was good friends with PR Stones/very close with Royals. I paid my dues never got in any serious trouble thank god but in those days, you made friends or you had many enemy’s I made friends between several was not easy but it worked for me. We all hung out at jaws submarine shop in Ashland just of Irving park road east side of street." 
The Gangs of 
Old Lake View
Other gangs from the past were: Latin Eagles, Paulina Barry Community, Puerto Rican Stones, Simon City Royaland the Gangster Disciplines - apparently the only active gang in Lake View
Community Oversight 
with the Police Begins:
The ECPS Ordinance 

A little history – since 1974 various agencies were created to provide oversight of the Chicago Police Department. Most recently, that agency is the Civilian Office of Police Accountability (COPA). None of the people serving on these agencies or COPA were democratically elected.

The ECPS Ordinance created two new bodies

1) a citywide Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) and

2) the Police District Councils

The newly-elected Police District Councils will have several key roles;

1) Building stronger connections between the police and the community at the District level.

2) Development and implementation of Community policing initiatives.

3) Holding monthly meetings with residents to work on Community concerns about policing and accountability.

4) Working with the Community to get input on police department policies and practices.

5) To develop and expand restorative justice and similar programs.

6) Ensuring the CCPSA gets the input from the District Councils.

7) Nominating candidates to serve on the city-wide CCPSA which will have power to advance systematic reform, select new policy, Superintendent candidates and create Police General Orders.

Vote for 3 candidates.

Once elected, the District Council members will undergo training with COPA and the Police Board.

The term is for 4 years and salary is $500 per month. The 19th Police District is the largest area District in Chicago. It runs from Fullerton Ave. to Lawrence Ave. with natural east/west boundaries being Lake Michigan and the Chicago River.

19th District Results from Inside Booster

photo below - 44th ward ofc
Immigration Issue
in 2022

Since August 31, 2022, the State of Texas has bused asylum seekers through private charter buses to Chicago at regular intervals. During the last several months, Texas officials dispatched buses with hundreds of migrants to Chicago, Washington D.C., and New York City. While most asylum seekers are from Venezuela, individuals and families are also from all over the world, including countries from Africa, Europe, and the Middle East.

The City of Chicago has also seen an increase in asylum seekers arriving through other modes of transportation, often without resources. NGOs and local governments along the border purchase airline or bus tickets to other cities like Chicago without any coordination. Since August 2022, the City has shouldered the responsibility of caring for more than 13,000 men, women, and children.

As a Welcoming City, we have a responsibility to provide access to shelter, food, and medical care to everyone regardless of immigration status. Many of our new arrivals have walked hundreds of miles, navigating great danger through multiple countries, in pursuit of safety and opportunity in the United States. We are committed to assisting each family and individual, providing human services with respect and dignity.

19th District Migrant Support

More than 13,000 migrants have been brought to Chicago and lack access to basic needs. They are living in local police stations (currently about 1,200 migrants, including 400 kids, are staying in police stations as of 8.17.23) and temporary shelters while they are waiting for longer term housing. Click on this link for more background information.

Migrants have been staying at the 19th District Police Station since April 2023.  Volunteers from across the area are partnering with the LakeView Lutheran Church and St. Mary's of the Lake to fulfill basic needs the migrants have and support them until they move to city-run shelters.

We are continuing to organize and work closely with our partners at the LakeView Lutheran Church, Saint Mary of the Lake, Centro Romero, the Offices of the 44th, 46th, and 47th wards and volunteers to support other precincts and plan for sustainable support when the 19th reopens and as new temporary shelters are opened in the area.

The Police
Beat Maps:

*I lived in Beat 1925*

The 46th ward

The 47th ward

Lake View's 
Fire Department's 
Fire Hose (Station) Rules 
in 1879
of Lake View Township
The township existed between 1857-1887
and as a city from 1887-89

The Duties of the 
Fire Marshall
photo - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
Captain Sullivan and firemen of the Lake View Fire Department Hook & Ladder company pose on a fire truck. R. Ribbon, the driver of the horse-drawn fire truck, is seated at the wheel hub.
*location unknown*
A fire-tower somewhere 
in the District of Lake View 1896
photo - Chicago Public Library via Calumet 412 
image above - Lake View Saga 1847-1985
1891 Rascher's Atlas Map
with zoomed view from above
The current area stations 
as of 2020 
 1052 W Waveland, 
2718 N Halsted, 
3813 N Damen, 
and 1200 W Wilson
The 'Hose'- House
on Barry
aka Fire House built in Old Lake View
The Barry Firehouse is located at 
2214 W Barry Avenue
 (now brick exterior)
1929 photos - Chicago History Museum 
via Explore Chicago
fireman Ray Dwight 
a Yelp photo view below
Fire Insurance 
Patrol No. 8
3921 N Ravenswood Avenue
This former Fire Dept building was built in 1907 according to Redfin. The Fire Insurance Patrol’s job was to go into buildings after firemen and record goods and assets due to water damage and thievery. It was especially concerned with protecting major industrial interests in the city. The building is currently residential and marketing at over one million dollars. The building was for sale in 2016. 
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map View
X marks the Fire Insurance building
and Fire Station House No. 112
zoomed below
the 1950 map indicates the building remained 
but for only a oil research laboratory
2017 residential photo view
 from Redfin 


 garage or no garage look

1990ish photo - Karls' Fire Photos via Smug Mug
the crew in 1930 photo - DNAinfo
The firehouse at 3921 N Ravenswood Ave. is a little different in that it housed a private insurance patrol, according to the Fire Museum of Greater Chicago. From 1871 to 1959, fire insurance companies operated patrols that salvaged furniture, machinery and other items in burning buildings. Patrols also did maintenance work on sprinklers, roofs and doors to protect them. "Patrol units responded to fires with lights and sirens along with regular fire units and, in an emergency, would man a hose line, raise ladders or render first aid to fire victims," wrote museum director Ken Little in 2006. "This service was performed at no charge, and whether the occupants had fire insurance or not." -  DNAinfo 
Wooden Water Mains
'The term 'fire plug' dates back to the early 1800's, when water mains were made from wood. The fire department (usually volunteers) would head out to the fire, dig up the cobbles down to the main, then chop into the main so that they could secure the hoses from their pumpers. When finished fighting the fire, they'd seal the main with -- you guessed it -- a "fire plug." The next time there was a fire in the neighborhood, they'd dig up the plug and not have to cut into the main.  Hence the term fire plug. The first firefighters to put water on the fire were paid by the insurance companies. The competing local fire departments would often fight, coming to blows, over the privilege and the payout afterward.  Engine crews, knowing that whoever controlled the water would extinguish the fire, would send the meanest, toughest, goons they had ahead of the pumper to guard the plug.  Anyone from another crew who came near it would have to fight him.' - Irving Park Historical Society
The Historical Fires 
of Lake View:
and yes that includes ...
The Chicago Fire of 1871
The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 caused the citizens of Lake View Township some concern. The fire blew across Fullerton Avenue at one point - (the southern border with Chicago). Apparently, rain and wind saved the day but some residents of the township were watering down their homes just in case. Apparently, a few terrified Chicagoans who traveled north found safe harbor in homes from township citizens and as far north as Belmont Avenue.
entering Lake View Township
The Experience 
of Fear & Escape
These sample pages from a book I purchased by Ebay 
called Chicago and the Great Conflagration 
by Ellas Colbert & Everett Chamberlin 1872
These passages tell a tale of the terror that was the Chicago Fire
Fleeing toward Lincoln Park, the park northward
illustration - Ebay
According to this book about the fire, "the principal officers of  [Chicago Fire Department] were appointed to their positions through political influence, which is saying perhaps saying enough of to indicate the officials degree and direction of their talents."(p 370)
The Chicago Fire of 1871 led to a reorganization of the Fire Department that included military-style disciplines. The City was divided into 18 battalion districts, the companies in each comprising a battalion, under the charge and the administration of an Assistant Fire Marshal or Battalion Chief. But it was not until 1889 with the annexation of City of Lake View did the City of Chicago begin to have any influence & authority.
illustration below- Ebay
reads 'temporary mogue on Milwaukee Avenue'
The Ruins that was City of Chicago
from a the book called Chicago:growth of a metropolis
Lake View High School 
Fire of 1885
eleven years after its establishment
1885 photo - Chicago Public Library
The high school would survive
the second building and the newer one to the left
a snippet of news in 1880
The second building is gone are replaced decades later
I have a separate post on the high school
along with over 30 yearbooks in my personal collection that begins in 1907
Move Issues 
A Departmental Procedural Issue 
in 1895
The Fire
at St. Luke's Parish
in 1899

images - 'Lake View' by Matt Nickerson
The First Fire in 1899
image above - 'Lake View' by Matt Nickerson
The new church 
and original school in 1960
image - 'Lake View' by Matt Nickerson
30 Cars Didn't Make It 
in 1907
but first ...
*51-55 Evanston Avenue*
2856 N Broadway
Evanston Avenue currently called Broadway 
had many names but not sure if Dummy Road which was used in the press was the roadway's official name. 
Also, for a brief time, Lake Shore Plank Road mentioned above was called Lake View Plank Road prior according to a map
... but I digress
Policeman Saves 
Seven in 1901
Water Works Fire
in 1913
District of Lake View
Another Garage of Cars
in 1916
Postcard Fires
part of my private collection
pre 1909 address 1054 N Lincoln Avenue
post 1909 address 3155 N Lincoln Avenue
It must have been a hot day!
Fire of 1911
 This company is also highlighted another post called Blue Collar Lake View. This factory was located in the 
Township/City of Lake View.
The First Fire in 1911
 page 2
and rebuilt that same year 
The Second Fire
 in 1934
Lake View 
Mercantile Company
a before & after view
incorporated in 1901 with capital of $30,000
not sure the year of the fire
 once located 1054 N Lincoln Avenue south of Belmont Ave.
the buildings post-1909 address was 3155 N Lincoln Avenue
 3-11 Alarm 
on Lincoln Avenue 
in 1933
photos - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection

postcard view below - Ebay
The Commodore Apartments 
in 1935
former Lessing Apartments
The St. Alphonsus Church
 Fire of 1950
 image - 'Lake View' by Matt Nickerson
  photo - Jeff DeLong via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
 photo - Jeff DeLong via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
 photo - Jeff DeLong via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
 photo - Jeff DeLong via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
 photo - Jeff DeLong via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
  photos - Jeff DeLong via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
  both photos below - Jeff DeLong via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
& Their Trucks
the initial firehouse on Waveland Avenue
before Weeghman Park aka Wrigley Field
in 1894
full page - 'East Lake View' by Matthew Nickerson

Located at 1529 Belmont Avenue 1936 photo - Engine 21

Clark Street/Belmont Avenue Fire
in 1959

 another view of it below
The Lake View Ballroom Collapes
Bowling Alley Fire 
once located at 
3239 N Clark Street
The building had storefronts on the first floor, a bowling alley on the second, and two ballrooms on the third. Due to poor building inspection supervision their were two incidences, one in 1948 and the other in 1961
image above
 A Chicago Firehouse: Stories 
of Wrigleyville Engine 78
a postcard view - Ebay
1950 Sanborn Fire Map of the building
X marks the spot

 photo - Ebay
part of chain - Ebay
flyers - Explore Chicago Collection
 photo - Dr. Jake's Bowling History Blog 
There was this late 19th century building with a bowling alley and a second floor dance hall that apparently had a floor collapse in 1948, a shady reputation in late 1950's, and a fire in 1961 that gutted the building and the building north of it.
A Dance Floor Collapse
 in 1948
A Side Story,
Gang Member Sleeps
in 1958
Another Fire in 1961
 photos - An Engineers Aspect
Curtiss Candy 
Fire of 1956

Manufacturing Building Fire
in 1960
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map above
X marks the spot
a vacant lot as of 2019
The Mister Softee's 
Arson Fire of 1965
 The fire destoyed a 'Mister Softee' fleet of 56 trucks on 3100 block of Halsted Street in 1965. It was part of mob-related arson attempt to have the owner of the fleet sell his company 
and for the owner, to leave town.
there appears to be a tunnel to another building
Mob Related??
within this article was ....

The Melrose Fire of 1963
photos & video via WGN TV
2012 photo of fire fighter Rick Vega 
of Lake View
and a young Rick Vega at time of the fire
In 1963 Eddie Groya saved a then 5-year-old Cuban refugee from a burning apartment building. That little boy was Lieutenant Rick Vega, a Chicago firefighter working out of the same station as Mr. Groya on Halsted just south of Diversey.
Eddie Groya & Rick Vega below
Arson was Common 
in mid 1970's

Fear Stirkes in Residencial
in 1976
Arson in the Area
by Forgotten Chicago Discussion Group 
Arson in Chicago increased 182% between 1974 and 1977. The increase was so alarming that the state senate adopted a resolution on December 12, 1976, directing the Illinois Legislative Investigating Commission to explore causes and make recommendations. The Commission’s final report in May, 1978, begins with, “The news media has made the public painfully aware of the impact of arson in Chicago’s ... Lakeview and Uptown neighborhoods. Charred shells of buildings line blocks of these communities – the sad remains of arson-for-profit schemes, indiscriminate vandalism and revenge fires.” The 145-page report cites numerous reasons for the increase: recession; poor training of arson investigators; poor enforcement of housing codes; inadequate penalties for arsonists; a severe backlog of cases in housing court; vandalism of abandoned properties; cursory investigations; poorly staffed crime labs; legal penalties that forced insurance companies not to delay payments in cases of suspected arson; and legislative loopholes that allowed slumlords to operate for years without maintaining their properties or paying taxes. After the Commission submitted its final report in 1978, the Legislature remedied many of these issues. The report also noted several incidents of terrorism. Between June 1975 and May 1978, it says that Chicago had at least 17 terrorist acts of arson by explosives, allegedly committed by a Puerto Rican liberation movement known as Fuerzas Armadas de Liberacion National (FALN), which translates as the “Armed Forces of National Liberation.” House Report 106-488 from the U.S. Government Printing Office indicates that the FALN had a safehouse and bomb-making factory at 736 West Buena in Uptown. I have no evidence that the incident shown here was related to the FALN or was even a bombing. I mention the FALN because it was a part of the milieu that affected the lives of Uptown residents during this period.

More Arson in Lake View
 in Feburay 14, 1976
6 More in Febuary 
on the 22nd
Shaddowing the 
Arson Unit in 1976
Arson Continues
in 1978
Hawthorne House Blaze 
in 1969
Fire in 1977
( My Facebook Album)
photo - Ebay

A  Blaze at 
648 W Cornelia
A Chicago firefighter tries to free up an ice-encrusted hose while battling a blaze at 648 W Cornelia. 
February 1979 photo via William Yates
Fire on Belmont/Clark 
in 1978
 northwest corner building, pre-Dunkin Donunts corner 
and currently the Target Store corner
photos - Jeff Burk via Forgotten Chicago Discussion Group
 below - the building view in 1950's  
photo - part of my collection
The Dominick Store Fire
(My Facebook Album)
in 2005
both photos - Eric Herot via Flick
more photos below
both photos - Matt Bergstrom,
a contributor to my sister site LakeView Historical
A Year had Past
In fact, a decade would have passed!
RoadHouse 66 Fire 
in 2013
2013 photo - LakeView Patch
Fire crews spent more than two hours battling a fire that overtook a Wrigleyville building occupied by several businesses as it spewed smoke that could be seen from the Loop. The fire, at 3330 N. Clark St., erupted in a building that is shared by a bar, Roadhouse 66, Thai Classic and Samah, a hookah bar, located just south of the L tracks that straddle Roscoe Street. Fire department spokesman Mark Nielsen said the blaze began in Samah and was called in by Roadhouse 66 just before 5 p.m. Investigators are working to identify the cause of the fire, he said. - DNAinfo article
2013 photo - DNA info
2013 photos - DNA info
Fire on 
Mansfield in 2016
2016 photo - DNAinfo
'A large, smoky fire broke out north of the intersection of Lincoln, Ashland and Belmont on Monday evening, officials said. The flames started around 5 p.m. and involved three buildings around 3338 N. Marshfield Avenue, near Dinkel's Bakery and Lake View YMCA. "It is an apartment fire that started on the west side of Marshfield and it jumped porches. It seems they have it under control," said Melani Domingues, owner of The Green Lady at 3328 N Lincoln Ave.
"We were both getting home from work. This our daily walk," Cohen said. "It's scary to know that older buildings can catch fire in Chicago. It's scary how fast a fire can spread. 
I hope everyone got out OK." - DNAinfo article
2016 photo - Chicago Fire Wire
2016 photo - Chicago Fire Wire
2016 photo below - DNAinfo
The Diner Grill 
(Facebook Album)
Fire in 2016
A fire that broke out late Christmas Eve that has shuttered the Diner Grill, but its owner plans to rebuild. The fire began around 9:30 p.m. Christmas Eve, after employees had gone home for the one day a year when the 24-hour diner isn't open, owner Arnold DeMar said Tuesday. Chicago firefighters were called to the fire around 10:20 p.m. Saturday and found no one inside the diner, the department said. A dozen fire trucks and engines responded. A cause of the fire has not been determined, but investigators have narrowed the fire's origin to refrigeration compressors in the back room, DeMar said.
 – DNAinfo article

Rocks Lake View
 in Fire 2017
It will take several months to rebuild 'ROCKS Lakeview' after a fire ripped through the building Wednesday, but its owners are hoping to help out its employees in the interim. The fire began around 7 p.m. in the kitchen and spread throughout the building, owner George Manta said. With its insurance, ROCKS will be able to rebuild, but it will take several months. "Our plan is to most definitely reopen, but we're in no position to make guesses on that time frame," Manta said. No one was injured in the fire, but the bar suffered "significant damage," Manta said. About 35 staff members are subsequently out of work, and although Manta said he and fellow co-owner Tim Shepardson are trying to help them find new jobs, "it's going to take awhile," Manta acknowledged according to DNAinfo. 
'Rocks' reopened that same October.
*photo source unknown*
Fire Station Houses: 
The Firehouse on Byron
1732 W Byon Street
 photo - Midwest Fire Depts via Smug Mug 
built in 1907 and closed in 2012
2010 photo - Karl's Fire Photos via Smug Mug
below 2018 photo - Google Maps
The Firehouse on School
(My Facebook Album)
1501 W School Street
built in 1940 and decommissioned in 1979
and then used as the 44th Ward Streets & Sanitation House
Below is a view of it in 2018 via Google Maps
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
with a zoomed view below
Showing off the Hook n Ladder
the building conversion plan in 2019
to be converted into three condo units
2019 Google view
the area in 1940 
image - 75th Anniversary Lake View Magazine
Wrigleyville's Own 
1052 N Waveland Avenue
 part of my personal collection 
published in 2001
According to this book the station house [/hose house] was first established in 1884 when Lake View was a township. The initial location was at 3217 N Clark Street (pre-1909 address of 1692 N Clark). According to my research the pre-1909 address on Waveland Avenue was 1306 Waveland Avenue. The number corresponds the directory of 1909 with a new address of 1052 N Waveland. 
Following along 
with Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
the movement of the station house
Year 1887
the hose house on Clark Street
zoomed below
follow the marked X's
Year 1894
by this year the 'hose house' was gone 
and a storefront of some sort took its place
zoomed below
Apparently station house has not transfer to Waveland yet
zoomed below
Year 1923
at the new location on Waveland Avenue
zoomed below
The firehouse according Chicago Firehouse by Karen Kruse was constructed from wood - believe it or not. The framed firehouse made of wood was literal moved to its current location on Waveland. In 1915 the firehouse was replaced to its current brick construction but between the demo of the wooden and the construction of the brick the station was relocated to Halsted Street at Aldine. This old warehouse constructed by a former department store - Mandal Brothers served Engine 78 until the new construction on Waveland was completed - I believe the Mandel building would have been a better choice due to its size but distance from the new baseball park must have been the a major issue at the time.
3 photos - East Lake View by Matt Nickelson
photos from her book

patch - Ebay
Voting Station in 1991
photos - Ebay
2016 photo below from their Facebook page

Post Note:
as of 2024

Please follow me to my next post called

Important Note:
These posts are exclusively used for educational purposes. I do not wish to gain monetary profit from this blog nor should anyone else without permission for the original source - thanks!

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