West of Western Avenue:Western Avenue was the western border of the Township/City of Lake Viewwas officially known asSchuetzen Park
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
with zoomed view below
zoomed further
section 1
with zoomed view below
zoomed further
section 1
April 1864, Governor Brough and the governors of
Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin met together and lobbied the federal
government jointly to accept militia forces from each state for active duty. On
April 21, they sent their formal proposal to President Abraham Lincoln. While Governor
Brough had hoped this surplus of men would result in Confederate defeat in one
hundred days or less, the South's downfall did not occur in this time limit.
Nevertheless, the surge in men did provide the federal government with
additional soldiers who helped the Northern military win several important
victories during the summer of 1864, bringing the Confederacy closer to
collapse. - Education.com
March 1865
by modern historian Stephen Osman
Minneapolis, MN
6 March 2018
At a later period in the war another camp was established on the north side called Camp Fry at the corner of North Clark and Diversey streets the locality then being known as Wright's Grove. This camp was used only for the assembling and mustering in of recruits and as fast as the regiments were formed they took up the line of march south on Clark street to Wells and thence along that street to Lake street. Lake street at that time had recently been paved with the Nicholson wooden block pavement then very popular on the level of the newly established grade was free from car tracks and was in fine condition for these stirring displays. Those who were living in the city at that time distinctly remember these frequent passages of troops along Lake street the favorite route to and from the Illinois Central depot. In fact, all through the war there was a continual coming and going of troops through Chicago and the streets often rang with the cheers and applause of the crowds during their transit from one railroad station to another. Camp Fry however never attained the historical distinction enjoyed by Camp Douglas in the southern part of the city. It had a pleasant situation in the midst of the original white oak forest then being rapidly cleared for the fast advancing improvements vestiges of which still remain in that vicinity.
(I am sure I missed one or 2)
Frost Fest Craft Beer Festival
once called the Halsted Winter Fest
Cover the Bases
Live Lakeview
SausageFest Chicago
Live on Lincoln
Northalsted Market Days
Lakeview East Festival of the Arts
Life Time Turkey Day Chicago
The Southport Holiday Stroll
NorthHalsted Business Alliance is holding a Winter Fest for the first time later this month, with hopes that fire dancers, an ice sculptor and free hot soup will attract people out into the cold. In the 7-Eleven parking lot at 3407 N. Halsted St., an artist will be sculpting chunks of ice into works of art with a chainsaw during the day. At Taverna 750's patio, 750 W. Cornelia Ave., dancers will be performing with fire. And outside Kit Kat Lounge, 3700 N Halsted St., the club's drag queen divas will be dressed up as ice kings and queens for photos. - DNAinfo 2014 - and currently called ...

Here is one snack that just doesn't get the credit that it is due..the PICKLE! We have heard the cries of pickle lovers world wide and so, in honor of this tangy delicious treat, we're throwing a street fest style party at the best bar in Wrigleyville! We will be partying all day with pickle beer, pickle cocktails and special pickle-focused food items! This will be a party that you will relish for the rest of your life!
Pickles, pickles, pickles, pickles and more pickles. There will be so much fun and food to choose from. The world is your oyster! ... or should we say, pickle?
Wearing GREEN is not required at Chicago Pickle Fest, but of course it's more fun if you do! - Eventbite

The Greater Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce the first Ravenswood Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, June 8th! Enjoy open air shopping, one-of-a-kind merchandise, and amazing specials along Montrose, Damen, Lawrence, and Ravenswood avenues. While you’re out exploring, enjoy an incredible brunch or delicious bite at one of the many fantastic restaurants in the neighborhood.

turning around with a view of Belmont Harbor
since 2001The nation's largest annual LGBTQ+ sporting eventLake View East photo - East Lake View Chamber of Commerce
This festival showcases more than 150 chamber approved (qualification by merit) artists featuring world class original paintings, sculpture, photography, furniture, jewelry and more. Artists in almost every medium will be represented including photography, printmaking, mixed media, ceramics, clay, collage, fiber, glass, sculpture, furniture and more. Unique and original artwork is on sale in all price ranges. In addition to the art on sale, the Festival features live demonstrations and entertainment stages where some of Chicago’s favorite musicians play throughout the weekend. Sculpture artist Lucy Slivnski typically contribute her designs to the Chirsty Webber urban garden. The festival also hosts children’s entertainment featuring puppet shows, interactive arts and crafts and activities to foster an appreciation of fine art in the youngest participant. prepping the streetscape on Broadway2012 photos - Garry AlbrechtThe Venue in 2023since 2013

Back in 1963 Al Weisman's neighbor on Oakdale Avenue gave him one as a gift, and he was faced with a decision: He could just hang it out a window, or he could hold it up and march around the neighborhood with local children. So he rounded up less than 10 neighborhood kids, including his son Tony. A girl who played violin strummed the only song she knew, the Israeli national anthem "Hatikva." - DNAinfo 2013
At the 'Wellington-Oakdale Old Glory Marching Society Memorial/Labor Day Parade' everybody marches from grandparents to school kids. The event began when a resident named Al Weisman grabbed a flag in 1963 and led some neighborhood kids around the block.The grass-root parade begins at the corner of Pine Grove and Wellington Avenues, then moves south on Sheridan Road and winds up at St. Joseph`s Hospital about 30 minutes later for an after parade entertainment. The main attraction of the parade is a chance for folks to come out of hibernation and see the neighbors. In 2012 the parade featured the Jesse White Drum Corps and the Jesse White Tumblers. In 2013 Alderman Tom Tunney entered a resolution to the city council celebrating its' 50th year.
Like many gatherings in 2020 events like this one were either cancelled or went virtual due to the Covid-19 pandemic
a video below
Kids Bike Ride
since 2023Events: October since 1994My favorite time of year

2013 - 3 photos Garry Albrecht
along with other photos when I volunteered
at the registration tent at end of this post
2013 - DNA info
The Year the Cubs Won

in Sidetrack on Halsted

presenting the awards for the most best custom
above images - Garry Albrecht

Come out for a neighborhood trick-or-treat (free), stop
at 20+ Northalsted locations from Halsted & Belmont to Irving Park &
Stroll through Northalsted this fall and indulge in a culinary adventure with the Fall Taste of Northalsted! Featuring over 20 locations, you’ll have the chance to savor selected dishes from the neighborhood’s top restaurants while sampling a variety of beers, spirits, and cocktails. Tickets are just $20 in advance, making it an affordable way to experience the best of Northalsted’s vibrant food and drink scene.
Twelve Bars of Christmas
December since 1996Popularly known as TBOX, which stands for Twelve Bars of
Xmas, is an annual pub crawl
Police estimated 30,000 participants descended upon this
North Side neighborhood for the annual Twelve Bars of Christmas, or TBOX, pub
crawl, involving more than 50 establishments. Organizer Festa Parties said
18,500 people registered, but "thousands" stayed away due to the
weather. The event was highly anticipated by bar-goers, judging by social media
posts, and greeted apprehensively by business owners, who took the brunt of
mayhem brought on by the 40,000 partiers who attended last year's event. Saturday's
below-freezing temperatures didn't dissuade TBOX bar hoppers, whose costumes
ranged from the traditional Santa to sexy snowmen to Macaulay Culkin's
character from "Home Alone." - DNA info 2013Stops 2,3,&4 are shops within the Community of Lake View on Ravenswood AvenueWrigleyville Lanturn Paradeest 2023Other Outdoor Events:such as Live Lakeview
an all summer event*apparently discontinued*

a monthly affair
photo - Lake View East Chamber of Commerce
This neighborhood bike ride happens on mostly every Sunday - even in the winter months at 10am for about an hours worth. This event starts at Seminary and Waveland Avenues next to Wrigley Field with a post-ride gathering at a new or popular destination.
A November ride in 2012This a free hour-long neighborhood social ride is organized by the Lake View Citizens Council. Helmets are required and be sure to bring a lock so you can join us for social time afterward. This social ride is traditional on the second Sunday of every month. The rides are geared toward all of our neighbors so bring your kids and your grandparents for that matter! Local elected officials and neighborhood police are also invited to join every month.Lake View Chamber of Commerce photo Feb. 2011 below
No City-Wide Planningestablished in 2020photos - Ben Sussmanonce just only held in Butler Field in Grant Park the popularity spread into the neighborhoods
Dates and show times at Belmont Harbor
06/14/11 8:45 PM Movies in the Parks Movies in the Parks - North By Northwest
06/21/11 9:00 PM Movies in the Parks Movies in the Parks - Dirty Dancing
06/28/11 9:00 PM Movies in the Parks Movies in the Parks - The Greatest Show on Earth
June 13 at Belmont Harbor
3600 Recreation Drive
July 27 Kelly Playlotat 3800 N Seminary
August 1 Belmont Harbor at 3550 Recreation Drive
August 4 Gill Park at 825 W Sheridan Roadand August 26 Margaret Donahue Park at 1230 W School
2017Belmont Harbor
at 3200 N Lake Shore Drive
That year there were four movies shown;
The Halloween Parade 2013 I volunteered to participate in the 2013 parade after experiencing the event either along the sidelines along the route or seating at Side Track watching it from video monitors with a 'tall one' on hand. That year I wanted to experience it first-hand. That year prizes were given after the parade for different categorizes. Below are pictures of the event from a volunteer perspective.
the poster for that year

at 3200 N Lake Shore Drive
That year there were four movies shown;
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