June 10, 2011

Overseers of the Poor & Outcast

Community Supported
Social Services 
The term 'social servicealso called welfare service or social work are any of a numerous publicly or privately provided services intended to aid disadvantaged, distressed, or vulnerable persons or groups. The term social service also denotes the profession engaged in rendering such services.
Prior to 1935 and the Social Security Act of that year Americans called these services as public charity to be decided by an government administrator or religious organizations. 
The only aid available to people who were poor, elderly, disabled, widowed, orphaned or otherwise in need came from local authorities who administered the “Poor Laws,” laws which were grandfathered in to the United States by English settlers in the 1620's. 
The first Chicago orphanages, the Chicago Orphan Asylum and the Catholic Orphan Asylum, opened their doors in 1849 in the aftermath of a cholera epidemic. By 1890, there were 12 orphanages in the city. They split along Roman Catholic and Protestant lines. Chicago had no Jewish orphanages until the 1890s. Until then, Jews tried to send orphans to institutions in Cincinnati, but some Jewish orphans lived in Protestant orphanages in Chicago. Almost all “orphans” in nineteenth-century Chicago orphanages had one parent living. They were places that single-parent families in financial crisis could safely keep their children. A few of them, like the Home for the Friendless, were gigantic, housing hundreds of children at a time.

While many of the institutions for the poor and outcasted were in private hands, mostly religious organizations the first public official guardian of the poor in Lake View Township was someone who had a position called Overseer of the Poor.
1862 W.L Flower Map 
via Library of Congress
of the Township of Lake View
The borders of the township/city of Lake View from 1857-1889 were Devon Avenue to the north, Fullerton Avenue to the south; Western Avenue to the west and the then existing lakefront to the east
And on a 
Personal Note
Social services played an important part in this bloggers' human development. This blogger was adopted in 1955, at an orghange  called 
St. Vincent Orphanage in Chicago. This blogger was provided care until his third month when a young couple adopted me as Edward Nelson (bloggers original name). Without the existence of that organization this blogger would not have gained the love, support, and education that I needed to be a productive, mostly happy member of my Oak Lawn & Lake View family.
part of my adoption documentation

a German-Amerian Catholic institution
2001 W Devon Avenue
An Account of the Asylum 1884
by A.T. Andreas
'A German Catholic Orphan Society was organized in 1865. Its' board of directors were from the of the different parishes throughout the City of Chicago and two laymen from each congregation. The buildings were erected at [township community of] Rose Hill at an expense $8,000. These were however destroyed by fire October 23 1879 [and rebuilt].  Previously however on the eleventh September 1872 the Angel Guardian German Catholic Orphan Society of Chicago had been under general State law with its’ object being the support maintenance and education of such orphan and half orphan [??] children as the society may choose to receive. The first trustees numbered nine. Immediately after the destruction of the asylum building by fire in 1879 the trustees began erection of the present structure which is so a landmark in this section of the town. The building stands upon high ground where the air is pure and commands a beautiful expanse of country. When completed the cost of the building was $35,000. The T [shaped] entire valuation of property is placed at $50,000. The institution has fully met for the purpose for which it was founded is quite evident from its status. Over one hundred and thirty orphans find a home there under the motherly care of the Poor Handmaids who not only teach their fatherless and motherless charges the rudiments of their education but nurse them in sickness and protect them in health. The grounds of the asylum included houses and farmland that cover forty-nine acres of ground. '
                                 1887 Rascher's Atlas
with a zoomed view below
via Historic Map Works 

St. Henry's Parish 
was their patron 
1887 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of the parish 
along with is own graveyard that still exists today
a zoomed 
view of the church below
postcard - Ebay
photo via Matthew Allen Fennell via
LakeView Historical
1914 photos  - Chicago History Museum
the complex as of 1894
via Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
of their population 

postcards - Chuckman Collection
Located at the northern edge of Lake View Township 
(Devon Avenue was the north border of township/city) founded in 1865 seven years after the establishment of the township. 
This institution housed over 1200 hundred depended children after the Civil War and the Great Depression making this benevolent institution the largest in population and geography in Chicago at the time. It ceased to be an institution for orphans or dependent children as of 1974. 
Life at Angel Guardian Orphanage
View a storybook tale of the life in this institution 
with this link (click on link).
An Account 
from their Anniversary Book
this book is part of my collection
State of Illinois 
photo of St. Henry's - the orphanage's patron church
photo - The Trolley Dodger
The buildings are to the right of photo with old St. Henry's beyond the streetcar (heading west) 
- 1940's maybe
press photo - Ebay
Its' History in a Nutshell 
100th year in 1966
has mentioned that above institution
was related to ....
 photo by Jean Ensch (photo 1983??)
1928 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map of the church property
This parish also patronized
initially called St. Bonifacius 
1894 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
part of an association of German Catholic institutions that included
St. Henry's (German) Catholic Church
The Martha Washington 
established in 1882
Lake View Township
1887 Rascher's Atlas Map
illustration - 1929 American Issue
The property in 1887 when it was a 
miltary academy for boys
1905 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
became a hospital by 1926
2025 Google view
currently a residence for seniors
text below - Inebriate Asylums to Narcotic Farms
The Children's 
District of Lake View
2401 N Lake Shore Drive
During the days of the Township/City of Lake View Fullerton Avenue was the southern border with Chicago. Even though the sanitarium was located in Community of Lincoln Park I decided to included this former institution in this blog.
 below image - 'Lincoln Park 1899'
'Chicago Daily News 
Fresh Air Fund' Sanitarium 
aka Lincoln Park Sanitarium
Chicago History Museum via Explore Chicago Collection
and below 1910
and then converted to ....
The Theater on the Lake
photo - Theater on the Lake-Facebook
The building was converted to a summer theater space in 1953 by the Chicago Park District
2009 photo - Theater on the Lake-Facebook
image - 'History of Lincoln Park' by Patrick Butler
renovations as of 2016 
photos by Eric Rojas
A new look for the theater
images - Kaufman | O'Neil Architecture
District of Lake View
This organization still has a presence in 
Community of Lake View
This organization had a presence in the District of Lake View beginning in 1905. Over time, the religious nuns extended their care from those accused of prostitution or disorderly conduct to delinquent and dependent girls.
Located on the north Side, the House of the Good Shepherd officially opened in 1859, when four Irish Sisters of the Good Shepherd arrived in Chicago from St. Louis to care for “abandoned women.” Over time the sisters extended their care from those accused of prostitution or disorderly conduct to delinquent and dependent girls. After the turn of the century, most residents (over 400 at the end of the century) found their way to this Roman Catholic institution through the juvenile court. The original building was located until 1984 at 1126 Grace Street.
Daily News Archives - 1909
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
An Anniversary in 1909
A Home not a Prison
House of the Good Shepherd current mission statement reads as follows: "welcomes with love and compassion women and children affected by domestic violence who seek their help. The shelter is a safe place which seeks to empower women, affirming them in their family role. A woman and her children are offered opportunities for emotional, social, educational and spiritual growth. We are committed to helping families by strengthening their self-esteem and giving hope and continued support for a better future". 
Some of their property was sold to the off and now owned by the Wrigley Field organization and used as a parking lot while the remainder is still owned by the Good Shepherd organization.
View of building from Wrigley Field (photo right) in 1955
photo - Man on Five via Chicago Tribune Archives
A 1922 University of Chicago map 
1939 aerial view below
zoomed view below
A 'Central Park' in 
Lake View?
A Much Smaller Presence
Nun vs Buses
zoomed from above
About a half of the property is now used for Wrigley Field parking 
Enter the Cubs 
in 1990
2012 photos below - Garry Albrecht
The property was subdivided 
Wrigley Field's parking lot is west of its current buildings
The same concrete fence remains
Community of Lake View
the branch facility
This location was always about the health 
and well-being of its' members
  Jane Addams
Her publication was called 
The Function for her 'Social Settlement
The Branch Building on Broadway
in the early 20th century
3212 N Evanston Avenue (Broadway) - Ebay

This building initial purpose was for a Hull House type settlement facility to be owned and operated by St. Peters Episcopalian Church 
located on Belmont west of Evanston Avenue (Broadway)

text - Jeff Hamrick via LakeView Historical-Facebook
building leased in 1918 per this article
1923 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
northwest corner of Belmont and Broadway
Herman Beardsley Butler 
Mr. Beardsey was the treasurer and Vice President of the Joseph T. Ryerson, an iron and steel company. More than likely after Mr Bulter's death the building was used as the company's private club. This mansion or social club had all the amenities of a private social club of its day with a swimming pool in the basement. The architects of the building were Shattuck & Hussey.
photo of the original plaque of the building that was donated to the Ravenswood-Lake View Historical Association in 2018
and then it became ...
The Lake View Center
an American Legion Post
zoomed view below
According to Lake View Historical contributor Gil Semmen the years prior to Hull House this building was used as a American Legion Hall. View more information on it above.
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed below
Another New Owner 
in 1962
The Amenties
 in 1963
A Testimony 
"It was 1962 when Hull House moved into the new building on Broadway just north of Belmont. I attended day camp there with my sister and cousins. We were the first to act in the theater (first floor...Peter Pan was the play), play in the gym (4th floor), swim in the pool (basement), and make masterpieces in the arts and craft area (3rd floor)." Joe Colangel
Good Works 
in 1967
 photos of Jane Addams Center
 the satellite branch in Lake View
photo - Cynthia Gallaher/Pinterest
The Amenities of Hull House/Lake View
Child care, arts and crafts that included pottery classes, legal resources, english classes conducted by the federally sponsored Vista program, youth improvement activities, community theatre with Viola Spolin, an innovator of improvisational techniques at Second City Theatre, who taught classes there, and an organization called Outpost - unofficial program called for Spanish speakers. The staff at the 'Outpost' helped residents with tenant rights and healthcare advice.

1985 photo - Timeline via Jeff Atkinson
the stairs leading up to the building 
read the commentary 
from LakeView Historical-Facebook 

According to the Chicago Tribune Hull House with their main headquarters at 1030 W Buren Street declared bankruptcy due to a continued drop in private donations in 2012
And a New Beginning
rendition of the renovated building 
-  Fabiano Design
photo - Lake View Patch
The new occupants (Lake View Athletic Club - 2009) made good use of the existing building space! Above is an example of the original brick work reused as part of the clubs interior construction that can be seen throughout this renovated building.  
The Bethany Girls HQ
currently known as
Reside on Wellington
image - Art Institute of Chicago
'The Wellington House was completed in 1900 as a residence for Frederic A. Delano, president of the Wabash Railroad and uncle of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Delano moved to Washington, D.C. in 1914 where he served on the Federal Reserve Board & was appointed to various posts in the administrations of Presidents Calvin Coolidge & Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1922, the Delano residence was purchased by
 The Bethany Girls, a religious & philanthropic organization the was formed to provide lodging, classroom, & dining facilities for fifty young women. The building also served as the organization’s national headquarters. The building was later converted to apartments and a 6-story addition was built to the west. The building is currently called Reside Wellington, luxury rental apartments.' - text from Geo Coaching
interior views below
lobby and below the parlor
The Salvation Army 
of Lake View
3256 Wilton Avenue
part of my personal collection
this building doubled as a church and meeting place
a pamphlet below

News in 1969
Tent Services since 1935 
with some in still in Swedish
from the Chicago Daily Defender
 Lincoln-Belmont YMCA
3333-11 N Marshfield Avenue
photos - 1964 Lake View anniversary magazine
1889 - 1964 
Diamond Jubliee Magazine
Another Review
in 2024

postcard - CardCow
Photographic Images of Change from
University of Illinois at Chicago
With a Log Cabin Inside 
by 1930
A Summer Camp Trip
in 1942
Steve Lewandowski via Original Chicago-Facebook
a 1950's view?
a 1990 view?

Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collection
 postcard - Ebay
1970's? patch - Ebay
interior views
 photos below -YMCA- Lake View 2023
apparently it was all about the suit fibers
in the pools filter units
"Over in Europe there's nude beaches and no one thinks twice about it," says Ryan Beam. "And over here we're freaking out."
*photos in article*

'In 1961, sentiments began shifting, and more boys were protesting the nude swimming rules. Within the YMCA, there was no national mandate, so each location decided for itself on its nude swimming policies. But Beam believes the tide began to shift in 1961 when Ervin Baugher, the general secretary of the Allentown, Pennsylvania, YMCA reported to an executive YMCA conference that, basically, the reasons for nude swimming—wool fibers and cleanliness—no longer made sense for modern pools, which were then equipped with chlorine and powerful filtration systems. In fact, Baugher said the only rational reason to continue the tradition of nude swimming was “encouraging a proper attitude toward the body.”'

zoomed from above
YMCA Gymnasium
on Wilson Avenue
Est. District of Lake View
Community of Uptown
postcard - Ebay
1905 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
zoomed from above
text below - Ravenswood Lake View Historical Association
'The YMCA was built in 1905. By the late 1970’s the building was in need of financially significant work to bring it up to the standards of the day. By the late 1970’s the building had failed to meet increasingly stringent standards for access for the disabled. As a result, the building had either to be razed or retrofitted at an expense which turned out to be prohibitive.The YMCA building was demolished and the site remained vacant for several years, monitored closely by UPRAVE and other community groups. Finally in the mid-1980’s a developer bought the lot and subdivided it into townhouses.'
1928 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map 
view of the location 
postcard - Cliff Smith YMCA Postcard Collection 
to be renamed later in the century
The 'Li-La-U' 
Neighborhood Center
in 1968
Mental Health Issues
in 1969
Counseling Center
 of Lake View
3225 N Sheffield Avenue
photo - 44th ward master plan
On April 30, 2012 another social service (above pics) closed due to government budget cuts and lack of private financial contributions. Counseling Center of Lake View ended a 40 year run serving those who needed immediate care. 'In 1969, as the de-institutionalization movement in mental health gained steam in the United States. Residents of the Lake View community joined together to form the Lake View Mental Health Council in 1972 along with Centro Latino, a coalition of grass-roots organizations located at 3225 N. Sheffield. In 1975, the Department of Mental Health provided funding for Latino Counseling Services and Lake View Alcoholism Program, the first direct service programs of what is now known as the Counseling Center of Lake View. The Counseling Center of Lake View was a private non-for-profit organization committed to the provision of quality, comprehensive, mental health, substance abuse, and domestic violence services for the residents of the Lake View and adjacent communities. The Center was especially concerned about the development of services for population groups traditionally under-served by mental health and substance abuse providers. As an agency, the Center had developed programs for the Spanish-speaking, substance abusers, children and adolescents, homeless youth, older adults, the post-hospitalized psychiatric patient, and the long-term mentally ill. The range of services included: prevention, diagnostic evaluation, assertive case management, counseling and therapy, psychiatry, advocacy, & networking. 
- from the article below
article  - Insight-Booster
Some of the Social Agencies
of 1984

The Peoples Pantry3945 N Sheridan Road
currently called
Nourishing Hope
the location once on Broadway ....
Initially called the People's Pantry of Lake View, this social service agency was founded in 1970 within the Jane Addam Center that was located on 3212 N. Broadway (now the Lake View Athletic Club). According to their website as of 2014 the agency has a full paid staff of ten with a volunteer force of 800. LVP serves 12,000 individuals each year administrating three programs to assist 41,000 clients within the Lake View area. The agency has been able to these clients after it formed a partnership with the Greater Chicago Food Depository in 1980. The agency's former location was
3831 N Broadway and then moved to 3945 N Sheridan Road in 2015 according to DNAinfo. The Lake View Panty has a second location at 1414 W Oakdale Avenue also in Lake View.
the location on Sheridan below
photos - DNAinfo
Rendering provided/Wheeler Kearns Architects
Read more about the agency's stories and accomplishments either on their Facebook page or their news section of their website
The pantry doubled the size of its previous home, at 3831 N. Broadway, to 7,500 square feet and provided space for its staff offices, meetings, conference room and cooking and nutrition classes. The pantry fed 8,200 people last year in Lake View, Uptown, Lincoln Park and North Center and offers self-help programs and counseling. Six months after opening 2017, the pantry expanded its client service territory farther north in January, reaching farther into Uptown. It has operated in Lake View for 45 years, renting space on Broadway, but was in need of a bigger, permanent home according to an online news source called DNAinfo.
photo - their Facebook page
50 Years 
in the Making 2020
3141 N Lincoln Avenue
established in Lake View
Initially called Metro-Help, this agency services as a phone hotline connection to run-away, homeless, and at-risk youth in the Chicago area

NRS was established in a Wrigleyville-area storefront in 1971 to fill a need for comprehensive crisis intervention for young people in Chicago. It was conceived as a centralized organization with free 24-hour services, expertise in all youth-related issues and as an information clearinghouse of youth services.

At one period the Dunkin Donuts store at the corner of Clark St. and Belmont Ave. was ground zero for youth homelessness in Chicago. It is still a magnet for homeless youth today.

In 1974, the agency received an eight-month federal demonstration grant to establish a national hotline. During this time, 11,000 calls were received demonstrating the need for this type of service. They have survived mostly on government grants since then. Beginning as the National Runaway Switchboard, and now as National Runaway Safeline, NRS’ capabilities and services have since grown considerably.

NRS serves as the federally designated national communication system for runaway and homeless youth with services provided through funding from Family and Youth Services Bureau in the Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. They also depend on the generosity of private, individual donors, corporate partners and foundation grants. Their last budget showed revenue of $2.125 million.

Social Services 
photo - snipview
photo - windy city media group
photo - Gensler 
photo - Gensler 
photo - Gensler 
Town Hall Apartments
established 2014
photos - USGBC

Since the late 1970's to early 1980's the 'gay' community has had a presence in Lake View. The community of Boystown became a mecca or sorts for disfranchised LBGTQ+ folks who found security and fellowship in a small geographical area of the City of Chicago.  LGBTQ+ youth within the Midwest discovered Boystown and like the Puerto Rican population of the 1960's needed support and guidance with the establishment of social services that met their unique needs. The AIDS crisis of the 1980's galvanized the need in Lake View with medical support and housing opportunities. Since the 1990's overnight shelters have been established within in the walls of supportive LGBTQ+ friendly religious congregations. 
The precursor to the Center on Halsted was this holistic organization that was established in a small cafe on Lincoln Avenue called  Horizon in 1973. This agency helped sparked a culture of acceptance and support in Chicago for LGBTQ+ folks particular the youth.
before the Center
3701 N Ashland Avenue
Rosecrance Lake View is a counseling center and recovery residence. This center affords young adults in the early stages of recovery the opportunity to heal and become grounded in recovery as they progress toward a successful future. Through evidence-based treatment, a structured and supportive living environment, personal accountability, career-coaching and guidance in goal setting, these young adults will receive the best opportunity for help, hope, and recovery. No drugs or alcohol will be allowed in the residence or any part of the building.

LAKEVIEW — The Broadway Youth Center has hopped from one temporary location to another as parent organization Howard Brown put the search for a permanent location on the backburner. The non-profit health services program has moved to the Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ, 615 W. Wellington Ave., under a year-long contract, said spokesman David Dodd. Howard Brown has been looking for a more permanent space for the Broadway Youth Center since it outgrew a space on Broadway near Belmont in December. It's been split between the Howard Brown offices at 3837 N. Broadway Ave. and the Broadway United Methodist Church, 3338 N. Broadway Ave. until this week. The center offers services for people ages 12 to 24, from HIV/STI testing to counseling and social support. - DNAinfo 2013
The Youth Center was to move to 4009 N Broadway in 2016.
from their Facebook page
once located at the Lake View Lutheran Church 
on Addison basement level
photos - BYC website
As LGBTQ+ youth from the Midwest continued to discover Boystown during the turn of the 21st century and gay-friendly organizations began to establish overnight shelters for the youth in Lake View not only to safeguard their presence but that of the community as a whole. Like many of the young faces that in Boystown many of the city’s homeless youth come to what they saw as the promised land. In 2011 the Night Ministry established 
The Crib with housed within the Lake View Lutheran Church
The Crib tried to move to Bucktown but there was opposition. According to Block Chicago, "Contending that the homeless shelter has a history of being “bad neighbors” to Lake View families and pointing to a 2013 SWAT team response, some Bucktown residents pleaded with The Night Ministry to stop The Crib’s move to the neighborhood."
has a new mission in 2022
the parish building is to be demolished 
and a new structure/mission to take its space

This is a proposal to turn the Lakeview Lutheran Church, which has a smaller congregation than in the past, into a mixed use-church and disability accessible rental building. This development will serve residents at or below 30% of the area’s median income with accessibility needs, which is a hard to serve population.  It is an opportunity to provide affordable and permanent supportive housing in this location. The proposed building includes both landscaping and lighting to increase safety around the site. The proposed building is six stories and has a height of 69 feet. - 44th Ward Development

A List of Community Agencies 
as of 2006
image - 44th ward organization

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Important Note:
These posts are exclusively used for educational purposes. I do not wish to gain monetary profit from this blog nor should anyone else without permission for the original source - thanks!

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