Historical Snippets
of Our Harbor
This post is related to my next post called
Belmont Harbor Press which is a collection
of press photos of the harbor
but first ...
A 1968 Survey Depiction

How it Came to Be,
Riparian Rights
Before existence of Sheridan Road and
North Lake Shore Drive
The then existing lakefront was once full of street-end beaches and Riparian Rights of the property owners along the then existing lakefront. So, to understand the expansion of Lincoln Park - the park northward from original space south of Webster Avenue and the constructions of the harbors the reader needs to understand raprian rights and a government's duty to compensate the property owner of their lakefront property if indeed its' acquition
is warranted for the public good.
Riparian Rights are traditional rights that attach to
waterfront property by virtue of that property actually meeting the shoreline.
They're the rights of the waterfront property owner to gain access to the water
or to gain access to their property from the water. Riparian rights or limits date back the when British Empire owned the American colonies. Riparian Rights/Limits became a major issue in the late 19th century early 20th. Who owns the land under the water & access to the lake, the property owner?, the city,? the State of Illinois? And what is 'fair' compensation for the shoreline property?
A Pier
that was in the Way
This became a police matter due to a complex legal issue concerning ownership of water rights along Lake Michigan and the desire to expand the park northward beyond Belmont Avenue. A State of Illinois sanctioned Lincoln Board of Commissioners earned the right to over-ride riparian legality and to order the police to remove the privately owned pier so the landfill for the park could continue northward beyond
Belmont Yacht Harbor.
(The harbor opened by 1913)
Below is an article from 1894
about the loss of Riparian Rights
to an apparent property ownerPlans for a Harbor & Road
in the Park in 1894
Designed as
Lagoons by 1909
From Cook County 1909 Lakeview Township, Illinois
Published by Real Estate Map and Publishing Co.
in 1909
Belmont Avenue to Cornelia Street

Belmont Avenue to Fullerton Avenue
A Property owner sues the governing board responsible for the Lincoln Park expansion
at Addison & Lake Shore Drive
in 1916
A Federal Law
on Riparian Rights & its Limits
in 1917
this law would in allow the Lincoln Board of Commissioners to arbitrary buy private beaches from private ownership and allow the extension of the park further north
The Then Existing
Lakefront in 1894
several roadways let to street-end beaches
including Belmont Avenue until the widening/expanding of Sheridan Road &
Lake Shore Drive 1937-1942 by the WPA
another thorny issue was the former Elisha Huntley property
but not for lakeshore issues but for the deed(s) to the land itself. Their were several claims to it at the time. It is important to note Huntley once owned property from Grace Street to Addison Street, Evanston Avenue (Broadway) to the then existing lakefront. He also owned the Lake View Hotel from 1854
until the early 1880's??.
The Dredging
of Belmont Yacht Harbor
an artist's depiction made on rice paper
images from Ebay, now part of my collection
a typical dedger
Chicago History Museum 1922 abovenegatives - Chicago Daily News photographer
Chicago History Museum 1914 belowEdgar Britton Chicago Modernist Artist WPA Era
Belmont Harbor Watercolor 1941
15 by 25 inches
image - Ebay
The 'Yacht' Harbor
Opened by 1913
from Diversey to W Sheridan Road
this map corresponds with the article above
zoomed view below
a harbor view via postcard
I would guess this is Cornelia Street, the northern border of Lincoln Park at that time
The Invasion of Manila Harbor of 1898The re-inacted in 1917 at Belmont HarborA 1939 Survey Depiction
of the Harbor by Illinois:
1914 image below - University of Chicago Digital Library
Lincoln Park reached only to Cornelia at this time
The Build Out
of the Shoreline
with special attention to Type C & Dimages - City of Chicago: History of Shoreline edited

The northward extension of Lincoln Park 1916 negatives - Chicago History Museum
Pumping the water north of Cornelia Street for landfill 3 by 2 in size
the second clubhouse to the right and what could be the Stout Estate to the left with a view of the then existing Lake Shore Drive
zoomed from above
a 1920's View
a view probably the late 1920's
it would appear the bridge is now gone
with a zoomed view below - part of my collection
a zoomed view of the bridge below
1925 photo of the harbor area advertising apartment hotels with new landfill north of the harbor photo above - Art Institute of Chicago
A Vintage Aerial View
this link provides a zoomed view of all areas of the photo. First click on the arrow at the top right of the photo and then continue clicking
this link provides a zoomed view of all areas of the photo that includes a view of a bridge within the harbor
a zoomed view of the bridge below
The Harbor Bridge
1927 photo - Chicago & the Midwest/Newberry Library zoomed from above showing the bridge
1927 aerial views
photo - Chicago and The Midwest/ Newberry Library zoomed views from the 1927 photo above
an artist depiction
of the bridge in 1936
unknown source
The Harbor's Beach
Before North Lake Shore Drive was widen by 1942 the harbor had a small beach at the foot of Belmont Avenue
aerial views
photo - Chicago and The Midwest/ Newberry Library
zoomed views from the 1927 photo above
1924 above
1929 below
and then in 1930
the beach as it looked by 1937
before the beach was replaced by a wider Lake Shore Drive. The Belmont Underpass would be constructed in 1942
Beach & Traffic
in 1929
images - Jim Martin via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
3314 Sheridan Road building in the background
Other Scenes & Events
from the 1920's
These scanned black & white photos are from a
publication called 'Dearborn Magazine' published in 1922 of the scenes along the lakefront
from Diversey to Belmont Harbors. During this time period Lincoln Park was land-filled no further north than Cornelia Avenue. The pages of this magazine were scanned by
Google making an impressionist view of each photo.

The Original Harbor
postcard - part of my collection
By 1920 Chicago Yacht Club and the Lincoln Park Yacht Club merged that included Diversey & Belmont Harbors to a united system. The next year a new clubhouse at Belmont Harbor replaced the lumber schooner called the Carrier that had served as the Lincoln Park Yacht Club clubhouse at Belmont Harbor from 1921-1923. Almost every harbor has a club or boathouse to booked activities for the purpose of entertainment. Belmont Yacht Harbor was of no exception. The original boathouse like was apparently mobile and sailed from its perth into the lake. framed photo below - part of my collection
The Vessel History
Rebuilt: Rig
changed to a schooner at Chicago, IL, March 19, 1878. History: First
enrollment issued at Detroit, MI, on July 21, 1865. Disposition: Abandoned
in 1921. Donated by Lincoln Park Club, where she had served as
clubhouse, to Naval Reserve at Milwaukee, in 1923. Remained at the harbor
between 1921-1923. Being towed to Milwaukee it became waterlogged and sank five
miles out from Chicago in September 29, 1923.
Some History
of the BoatClub Houses
all images below are from a book called
'The Hundred Years 1875-1975'
and part of my private collection
The first boathouse was actually a once proud fairing vessel called the Carrier that was purchased in 1915 after the public opening of the harbor. At the time of the purchase the 177 ton vessel was 50 years old.
There were plans by 1920 construct a club house complex on dry land - see image above. The Lincoln Park of Commissioners, an entity that governed the park and the roadways along the park vetoed the plan - no private building on public land.
The Fishfan inlet was also the location of the speakeasy Chicago
Mayor 'Big Bill' Thompson patronized.
Big Bill owned his own vessel in the harbor
The Carrier got a full salute to its new location.
It sank near Evanston Township's waters The New Boathouse
This floating barge was completed in 1923 and dedicated on that Thanksgiving Eve.
Captain MacMillan was one of the original members of the Lincoln Park Yacht Club and on that day messaged in from the Arctic Circle Expedition Station to his friends in Chicago.
1923 illustration below - Ebay
The Current Boathouse
By 1966 the old floating barge needed to be modernized and was re-dedicated that year.
The 'floating' canopy was long gone
a 1950's? photo - Everyday Life in Chicago
a 1957 view looking
photo above - Tales of the Chicago Mackinac Race
2017 photo below - Kurt Thomas via Forgotten Chicago-Facebook
map - Lake Michigan Yachting Association
photo - Sid Hamm
photo - Belmont Harbor Chicago Yacht Club
photos be.low - Duane S. Chicago Yacht Club via Yelp
A Harbor Application Booklet
from the 1930's
part of my private collection
zoomed from above
A Commercial Freighter Sank off
Belmont Harbor in 1920

1921 The Race to Mackinac moved to
Belmont Yacht Harbor
A Mayoral Resident of Lake View
& his Harbor
The relocation of the Race to Mackinac to Belmont Yacht Harbor from Jackson Park was probably attributed to this man ...
Mayor Big Bill Thompson had a yacht in Belmont Yacht Harbor and lived on the northwest corner of Belmont Avenue and Sheridan Road - currently inner LSD. This three termed mayor and his wife lived at 3202 Sheridan Road at Belmont Avenue in the former elegant 32 apartment complex called Lochby Court Apartments. The mayor was known as 'turning a blind eye' on the activities of Al Capone. He was a outspoken mayor who understood the politics of the city and his neighborhood who was pro German and anti British where the prominent & dominate populations were German & Irish. campaign button unknown year - Ebay
According the publication Hidden History of Ravenswood & Lake View by Patrick Butler, during his tenure as mayor and before WWI would publicly refer to the emperor of Germany as 'Kaiser Bill'. Big Bill " clashed with (then) Illinois governor Frank Lowden over a permit the mayor had issued for an anti-war rally" in his city. "Lowden had threatened to call out the National Guard to break up the protest, and Thompson vowed to use Chicago cops to resist if necessary." Military nor civil action was not ever taken. He was that type of a politician.Big Bill Thompson docked his schooner Valmore at Belmont Yacht Harbor. The schooner was the first in its class to participated in the Race to Mackinac.In 1919
a reporter, a cop, and Big Bill's dog
His Residences
Big Bill lived along the lakefront in two locations according to a book called 'Chicago in Seven Days' was at the Barry Apartments at 3100 Sheridan Road and the Lochby Apartments depicted below In the background is Big Bill's apartment complex
- just beyond the sails/photo source unknown
image - EstyThe three-story building had 32 apartments with butler's pantries and large living rooms with
wood-burning fireplaces.
the mayor at home
Big Bill Thompson in his living room parlorMayor Bill Thompson is credited in the creation of a 1915 commission that lead to the current Chicago flag.
Several views of the Lochby Court Apartments built in 1911. The building won a gold medal from the American Institute of Architects in 1912 as "best designed building of the year"
Big Bill's Friends Speakeasy
on Water

1925 photo - The Fish Club 'speakeasy'
This boathouse was the home of a club called 'The Fish' that featured a cabaret and had turned a blind eye on the craft by the then Mayor Big Bill Thompson. This establishment was referred as a membership only speakeasy during the 'dry years' of Prohibition. According the publication Hidden History of Ravenswood & Lake View by Patrick Butler, Big Bill established the club in 1922 using Illinois state law. The State was promoting the "propagation of fish in Illinois waterways to help feed poor children". Thompson and his friends had other ideas in mind. According the publication Hidden History of Ravenswood & Lake View by Patrick Butler, the club members somehow failed to pay their bills and in 1928 during Prohibition creditors impounded the craft and "scuttled in the middle of Lake Michigan". During this time period there was a court battle pending about property offshore and the jurisdiction of city ordinances regarding gambling and drink on any offshore property even if it was connected by a bridge. The Fish Club was regarded offshore and a 'Streeterville-like' problem. Editorial from 1928 Chicagoan Magazine
One Year Later ...
A Radio Message to the North Pole
in 1923
A Pleasant Scene
in 1924
negative - Chicago History Museum
Kids at Sail
in 1925
Someone had an Idea
in 1926 about an Event for 1933
Landfill Continues Northward
During the late 1920's
follow link to zoom in
with a sample view below
all traffic on Lake Shore Drive
exiting off Irving Park Road
The breakwater for Montrose Harbor
Construction was underway for another harbor north of Belmont Yacht Harbor at Montrose Avenue.
photo - Marty Swartz Living History of Illinois and Chicago
1928 photo - Calumet 412
Dredging for a new harbor called Montrose
and probably the same type of vessels that created Belmont/Diversey areas
Plan for new Harbor
in 1930
Pleasant Scenes
at Belmont Yacht Harbor
in 1929
photos - Chicago History Museum
via Explore Chicago Collection
in the Belmont Yacht Harbor
October 1929
the month of the Great Depression
photos below - Ravenswood-Lake View Community Collectionphoto below - Chicago History Museum
in 1930

Harbor Traffic &
Street Jams in 1934
Lake Michigan:
the Winds & Waves
theses images are part of my personal collection
Along the Harbor
theses images are part of my personal collection
The Belmont Hotel along the harbor was completed by 1924
While this postcard has a date of 1940 most of the flats in this postcard were built during the 1920's
A Yacht Race
in 1930
in 1934Lining Up for the Race in 1934The Bridle Path
in 1936
Private Clubs & Boathouses
as of 1937
1937 Chicago Recreational Survey Vol 1

view of Belmont/Diversey by 1938 & 1939
photo - Chicago Harbors-Facebook
from a personal photo album
in 1942 by Ebay
The Boathouse
in 1936
postcard - Ebay
Prepping for the Construction
of Belmont Avenue Overpass Bridge
negatives - late 1930's - early 1940's
part of my private collection
a 1944 view showing the top of Temple SholomThe path ranged from the northern edge of Lincoln Park northward
with a underpass at Barry Avenue
a 1947 aerial view - Calumet 412 a 1947 press photo and text below

photo below - Chet-aero
a 1949 view
of inner LSD & harbor - Chuckman Collection
Yachting off the Harbor in 1950
Fishing in 1952
a 1953 aerial view - Calumet 412
I have no idea what this building was - lower right corner. It is also highlighted in the 1920's
also in 1953
Trash piles up in the Harbor
Not a Pretty Sight
in 1953
Taking Action
Against Boat Owners in 1953
a 1953 aerial view below - Calumet 412
Harbor Scenes
in 1955
University of Chicago Collection via Explore Chicago
The Cold War
visits Belmont Harbor
Once the location for the Nike Nuclear Missile Site
with a zoomed view below
photos - Historical Aerials
photo below - Andrew Bedno

Chicago, being a major commercial and industrial hub,
was among the best-protected cities. It had 22 Nike sites, two of which Berhow
says had single radar systems that controlled multiple sets of launchers.
Berhow says in the mid-1950s more than 600 Nike Ajax missiles were in the
Chicago area. This first-generation weapon was designed to intercept a single
bomber. A few years later the Ajax was replaced by the Nike Hercules, which
would use a nuclear-tipped warhead to destroy multiple aircraft at once. The
Chicago region has held Lake Michigan in high regard (yes, it’s both beautiful
and useful), but according to Berhow, the lake created a Cold War security
challenge, mostly because the radar at the time was limited. “A Soviet Bomber
group could actually have flown over the Pole and across Canada, and if it was
flying down Lake Michigan, because of the range of the radars, it would have
had a difficult time picking it up,” he says. The theory went that these enemy planes would approach
undetected, at least until they were so close to Chicago that nothing could be
done about any impending doom. That, Berhow says, is a big reason why the
military placed three of Chicago’s 22 missile sites near the lake. One missile
launch site was at Chicago’s Belmont Harbor with radar control towers near
Montrose. Read the entire article
and another perspective video
A guided missile launcher is planned in 1955
page 2
The missile launch site was located at Belmont Harbor with radar control towers for it near Montrose Harbor. Another site was at Burnham Park with radar towers at 37th Street, and the third was at Jackson Park with its radar towers at Promontory Point. According to a Chicago Tribune article from Aug. 30, 1958, the Belmont location was the first local site to receive the Hercules missiles upgrades.
The area as by 1969 - photo Ebay
While this video is NOT of Belmont Harbor it does give the viewer of what it MAY HAVE been like in our harbor
snip views from the video
The Final Months
in 1971
Other Views
& News
A family day at the harbor in 1955
also that year - Oil travels from Indiana to harbor
Views of Yachts & Garbage
in 1953
Big Oil in the Harbor
in 1955
in 1958
per seller at Ebay
Fish'in in the Harbor
in 1960
Views of the Harbor in the 1960's
by Ebay
Pilot Ditches Plane
in 1963
Photo Collection
"My grandfather had his boat at Belmont Harbor in the 50's
and 60's. The skyline has certainly changed over the years since then. Here's a
group of 35mm slides taken in 1960's from the back of 'The Rogal' at its' slip in the harbor."

The most costly seiche occurred in 1954 with the most loss of human life at North Avenue Beach when a 10 foot wave washed fisherman into the lake ... and then again in 1962
A Boy Solo Fishing
on the Rocks in 1969
There was This Large Beer Can
in the 1970's
*made of poured cement, so told*
edited photo - Lance Grey
photo via Kevin Gumball O'Malley The Testimonies
Lance Grey, a contributor of LakeView Historical, mentioned that
“It was a
late arrival to to 'Rocks' mural craze of the early/mid '70's. the Old
Style lasted well into the '80's.”
And according to Wayne Folk, another contributor to my Facebook page, the Old Style Can was a place to hang-out and drink. “You would
drink a can of old Style and talk about what's on the can. Then you would tell
people you see the hitchhiker? They would look at the can for a while. Then the
buzz. They would come back and say. "I don't see a hitchhiker on the can
at all." You would say to them. "He must had gotten picked up
already - Just drinking fun.”
Maribel Selva, another contributor to LakeView Historical
mentioned the following “What always struck me was how detailed it was...just
like the can from back then. We would have a permanent 'meet at the old Style
can day' and a time and when we show up; you never knew who would be there but
always friends showed up. We always biked there with our backpacks filled with

photo above - Lance Grey and the artist, Mike Walker ...
photos below via Michael Jennings from Steven Stillwell
This is the artist, he painted it in the summer
of 1974. Tara Marie told Original Chicago/Facebook mentioned he also
painted many of the art work on the limestone rocks. He was a good man, he passed away a
couple years ago. Kay Connell told Original Chicago on Facebook the beer can itself
was produced from poured cement.
Wasn't there in '77 when I used to jog past Belmont Harbor.
some a just a many photos
There was a section of the 'rocks' - the shoreline made of limestone boulders that was to protect the shoreline/parking lot from storm episodes that were patronized by LBGTQ+ residents and 'gay' friendly visitors of the area during the late 1970's until the anti-erosion project of the 2000's. The Belmont Harbor area of the rocks was a place to be safe from the chonic anti-homophobia of that time. Patrons of the rocks would not only gather in a safe place to sunbath and express themselves freely but would create art (my Facebook page) on the limestone.
in 2017 by Bill Daley

of the Belmont Harbor
(my Facebook page)
with photos from the Chicago Sun-Times
photos - Chicago Sun-Times via Chicago History MuseumThe Clean-Up
photos - Sun-Times/Chicago History Museum
Dead Alewives Flooded the Harbor in 1971
A small seiche (lake tidal wave) flooded the parking lot again leaving dead fish everywhere
Belmont Harbor 1973 photo - Ebay
Oil Enters
the Harbor Once Again
in 1975
And again in 1975 as in 1955 a slick of 1000 gallons of oil meanders towards Belmont Harbor from a freighter. Mail is Delivered
in the Belmont Harbor in 1975
Time to Set Sail
in 1976
Drugs at the Harbor Point
in 1980
A Second
but Private Boathouse is Discussed
(tried and failed)
College Students
Set Sail in 1981
and again in 1983
On-Ramp Construction
that failed in 1987
photos - Chicago History Museum
Views of Lake Shore Drive freeway ramp construction near
the Belmont-North exit, West Belmont Avenue and North Lake Shore Drive,
Chicago, Illinois. Runners jog along the lake shore path while construction is
underway. A court order halted construction the day photos were taken.
Date Depicted:
1987 October 20
Jack Lenahan for Chicago Sun-Times
Apparently the Chicago Park District was sued for impacting the Lincoln Park Trail with an automobile entrance ramp to the Belmont Harbor parking lot from the south. I could not find any articles from the Chicago Public Library online section about it.
Andrea Hollis stacks buoys retrieved from Belmont Harbor as crews clear them out for the winter. She was the only woman working with the Chicago Park District's Marine Department in November 1988. photo by Carl Wagner (Vintage Tribune)
My source: Xavier Quintana via HIstorical Chicago-Facebook
Friends Forever
Because of the Harbor!
page images - Lake View by Matthew NickersonLife near the Harbor
in 2010
in 2011
A 4th of July fireworks display were
held at the harbor
The following are comments from social media site once called Everyblock about the unofficial yet professionally done firework display north of the harbor.
The threads ...
Comment 1 - It was a group of renegade citizens concerned about the city failing 2 truly entertain us with their lame fireworks shows...these young robin hoods will keep bangin it out @ belmont every year 2 make sure everyone in the city gets a proper fireworks show 2 escape the dreary economic realities of city life.
Comment 2 - I want to be a renegade robin hood!! Let me know if there is a way to help out next year or if there are other fun projects planned at other times of the year.
Comment 3 - My friends plan on doing it every year for as long as possible...we keep it safe & super impressive since the city decided not 2 entertain us anymore...hopefully, other folks will get inspired 2 fight back & take everything into our own hands ... we'll just start building our own solar panels & wind mills block by block until we destroy the system.
A Trapeze School
at the Harbor In 2011 they opened an outdoor location just south of Belmont Harbor in Chicago Park District's Lincoln Park. This school was an instant hit, and we added an indoor location at the Chicago Park District's Broadway Armory in spring 2012. This school continues to grow its community under the leadership of General Manager Steve Hammes, who discovered that teaching flying trapeze is just as much fun as performing juggling in the circus. photo - Lori K. Jones via Original Chicago-Facebook
TSNY Chicago hosts a number of summer camps for kids in collaboration with the Chicago Park District. Bonnie Miller manages our retail office in Chicago and is also our National Front Office Operations Manager. View some of the performance videos from their unofficial Facebook page! A Belmont Harbor
Opener in 2015
This annual event occurs during the first days of Spring
2015 photos - Chicago Yacht Club Belmont Harbor

A big Catch
in 2023
William C. Bruckman
Collection of 1986
the narrow section of the harbor below

from the harbor depicting 3150 Hawthorne building below

Artist & Photographer
& below photo - Craig Hagemeier
during the early 20th century
the harbor was the staging area for this race
the book is part of my collection below are some images from the book
The Attraction to this Island
It was the Victorians (aristocrats of the 1800’s) who
made Mackinac Island one of the nation's most favored summer resorts. In the
post-Civil War industrial age and before automobiles, vacationers traveled by
large excursion boats from Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago and Detroit to the
cooler climes of Mackinac Island. They danced to Strauss' waltzes, listened to
Sousa's stirring marches, dined on whitefish and strolled along the broad
Chicago Daily Tribune 1910 advertisement
a pinnacle point to the other lakes
and the St. Lawrence Seaway towards the Atlantic
view of the town from the fort
view from the fort of the harbor below it
To accommodate overnight guests’ boat and railroad companies built summer hotels, such as the Grand Hotel in the late 19th century. Victorians, like travelers everywhere, shopped for souvenirs, and Mackinac shops supplied them. In the 1890's wealthy Midwestern industrialists who wanted to spent more than a few nights on Mackinac built their own summer cottages on the east and west bluffs. Soon a social life [would include] tennis, hiking, bicycling, examining the local natural wonders, and at the turn of the century, golf at on the new Wawashkamo Golf Course.
The Race in Photos
image - Tales of the Chicago Mackinac Race
Starting in 1898 with a mere five boats, The Mac had evolved into a world-class sporting event. After the first race in 1898, the Race to Mackinac was not held for five years until the second race in 1904. By 1906, the race had developed a healthy following and in that year the original Mackinac trophy was purchased. - Wikipedia
photos below - Chicago Daily News photographer,
Chicago History Museum
Mayor Big Bill Thompson's vessel before his mayoral election
images - Tale of the Chicago Mackinac Race
1957 map of the harbor
image - Lake Michigan Yachting Association

1957 image - Lake Michigan Yachting Association
Mackinac Island area map
1957 image - Lake Michigan Yachting Association
image - Tales of Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998
Vencedor won 1904 & 07; wrecked in 1911
via Library of Congress
In 1898 the first race had only five participants. One of the crafts was a schooner owned and operated by Ben and John McConnell who both owned homes on Hawthorne Place; still standing.
The Hawthorne
the owners Ben and John McConnell lived on Hawthorne Place during this time. Their mansions remain as of 2022.
image - Tales of Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998 photo below - Chicago History Museum
In 1905 the first female skipper entered her schooner called the Lady Eileen. In 1908 The era of the large schooners begins when William Hale Thompson of Chicago, later to be known as Mayor 'Big Bill' Thompson entered his schooner, the Valmore. He won in 1909 & 1910. He would become mayor in 1915. 
image - Tales of Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998
image - Tales of Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998
In 1920 the Lincoln Park Yacht Club which included Belmont Harbor Station joined Chicago Yacht Club. Also, that year harbor was starting point in race. In 1925 was one of the challenging of
the races with only 8 out of the 21 entries that would finished.
image - Tales of Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998
In 1936 thirteen sailing clubs participated that included
forty-three yachts while after the war in 1946 fifty-seven yachts participated that year. No races occurred during the war.
image - Tales of Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998
image - Tales of Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998
In 1955 the race took almost 78 hours. In 1970 Ted Turner and his American Eagle encounters gales that exceeded 60 mph.
Turner calls the lake a ‘mill pond’.
image - Tales of Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998
image - Tales of Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998
2000 Sixty boats were equipped with GPS devices.
2008 The 100th anniversary of the race to Mackinac Island.
2011 A storm to remember via YouTube.
2013 View a more placid ride to the island vial YouTube. photos me - Garry Albrecht
Winter Belmont Harbor
in 2022
photographer - Pat Cummings
via Pictures of Chicago/Facebook
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Important Note:
These posts are exclusively used for educational purposes. I do not wish to gain monetary profit from this blog nor should anyone else without permission for the original source - thanks!
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